Learn about life through tears and laughters
14 July 2002
I was lucky enough to see this film in Avignon more than a month before its national release. How refreshing ! How cute ! It's a documentary like I had never seen before in its shape and subject.

M. Lopez teaches a class in Ardeche, somewhere where the children all go to the same class until they're 10 years old or so. M. Philibert follows them and doesn't intervene, only through editing (except for a straight-forward and very moving interview of the teacher).

M. Lopez really does care about his pupils, he comforts them, helps them with personal problems, with their work, with their lives. He will soon retire and it gives a strong feeling of nostalgia to the film. Some moments are quite emotional, others are quite funny due to children's words. I'm not going to spoil it for you but, keep you eyes on Jojo. He's the cutest little kid ever ! Everything he says or does will make you want to have a kid... or more kids.

Beautiful, simple and sweet.
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