Great Marketing for Decent Movie That Has No 'Shock Ending'
20 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Small spoilers. I attended a preview last night of The Life of David Gale and I went home satisfied but not the kind of satisfied I was hoping. Parker's film has great acting and a interesting plot but as it moves on it loses something. The film did lack suspense for the most part. If you're interested in this film like I was you probably saw the commerical that had a critic say it had a ending that would blow your mind. It didn't blow my mind. I pretty much had it figured out once one of the main plot developments are revealed. A good ending that adds more drama to the film but the way the film went I didn't open my mouth in shock like I did watching Memento or The Sixth Sense.

I do agree that Spacey is Oscar worthy here. Winslet is great with her American accent and Linney has another fine performance. Believable film, but just lacked suspense. Perhaps if someone tried to stop Kate's character from revealing the truth instead of aiding her it would've been better. The music didn't seem to fit with the film. It had a southern style and while the film is in Texas it just didn't fit the pic. Their are some attempts at humour that work, but most fail. I tip my hat to the Universal Marketing Department.

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