An entertaining film
20 February 2002
I haven't seen the original 'Rat Pack' version, and to be honest, from what I've heard, I don't want to. So instead, when I heard good word of mouth and read some good reviews, and was aware of the cast, I had to see this!

This film is very slick. Very cool. And very laid back. Perhaps a little too laid back. Nevertheless, this film offers it's audience an entertaining time.

Pitt, Clooney, Roberts, Garcia, Damon, Cheadle. Mouth-watering? Yep! Good old Steve has rounded up a top notch cast here, and the results are very good. Clooney and Pitt work well off each other, and they ground the film.

The locations are beautiful, with Vegas actually looking great - well it is! Andy Garcia puts in a performance worthy of his talents, he is truly menacing without resorting to Al Pacino screams! He projects a quiet menace.

The actual robbery is very good, the build up is great, and the way they do it, is just pure audacity and sure planning.

This film oozes cool. Clooney does well in his role, and is as charming as ever. And when you see Brad Pitt in a hair-piece that looks like a dead cat, I guarantee you'll laugh! That was one of the best moments of the film for me - a 2 second shot! Priceless.

If you've got nothing to do on a Friday night, and you and your mates are restless, go and see this film, you'll come out with a smile on your face I'm sure. And Girls? You should go to see it for Clooney, Pitt, and Damon...and of course the plot, the locations etc etc!

Doesn't deserve a perfect 10, but it did make an entertaining night out!


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