Never mind the whining, here's the review
4 November 2000
As can be expected when a sequel comes along to something popular, the usual chorus of whiners and naysayers pops up to try and derail it, simply because what preceded it just happened to BE popular.

Perhaps it was a mistake to rush BW2 into theaters a mere year after the original, since there is no way most people will give it an objective viewing. Many fans of the original film will go to the theater just to come out say how much they hated it.

However, the only real thing wrong with BW2 is that it DOES kind of feel like a rush job. Artisan should have waited another year to let their merchandising campaign run its course so everyone would finally start recovering from their hatred of seeing all these little stick figures everywhere. It would probably have also been a better time to interest people in seeing the new film.

That said, it is a pity that most of the people seeing this will only be there to rip it. It was a surprisingly intelligent film, not so much horror as mystery. What happened at the end? Who knows. It will probably be left unsaid, unless the prequel shines some light. For an amateur cast, the acting was well done, and Joe Berlinger definitely has a good, if spare, directing style. And, as for showing the blood, this really doesn't show much. The same scenes are repeated, over and over again, and only in flashes. In terms of horror movie gore, BW2 is still mild, and what is left to the imagination is still the most important part of this movie.
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