Two Degrees (2001)
Get a Pam Grier 70's film and you'll be 10 years ahead of this
13 July 2004
My title might be confusing, but basically I am saying that many of the blaxploitation films of the early 1970's such as "Friday Foster" or "Truck Turner" are light years ahead of this film on acting, definitely film score and overall quality. I am actually being too kind to this garbage of a film. If you are like me, you look at the ladies pictures who are cast in this film and you think they look sophisticated and along with the comic talent of dc curry you decide to take a chance as what is the worst that can happen ? Well, let me save you the trouble and the buck or two. DC is only funny because his utter ineptness at acting, but I will bail him out by saying that the script he was given was lame. The overall quality is a high school production with cam corder. Even the opening song sounds like local boy trying to rap to a 1980's beat machine. The women are pretty, but of course, the director allows the first 15 minutes to go by without introducing them, so when they appear your bull radar is already overloaded. Enough said.
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