Black Dawn (1997)
Good Movie, Bad Movie
3 March 2000
This movie was released in the US under the title Good Cop, Bad Cop. It should have been called Good Movie, Bad Movie.When it is good it is unbeatable when it is bad it is horrid. You start off with action scenes that you have no explanation of and characters that you don't recognize even after they explain who they are (until you've watched the movie at least three times). Then you stop the action completely to take the time to explain everything you didn't get before as well as the motivation for the main characters. I don't know who bought this script or WHY? Lamas shows off his comic flare-great timing and a natural acting style that makes you believe he IS every character he plays. Catherine Lazo is great! Tony Colitti is so real he literally leaps off the screen.Patrick StEsprit makes me believe that he is really hurt by Jakes(Lamas) defection and Jerry Hardin is the sidekick that really comes to life. I haven't been this taken with a character since the old cowboy movies,He reminded me of the guy who drove the jeep in the old Roy Rogers movies!
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