Review of Brainscan

Brainscan (1994)
Hmmmm, delish
14 September 2000
This movie is the cream of the crop of B-grade movies. This seems to be a follow on from Terminator II which stars Edward Furlong as a starring role, the producers loving it because he's "Hot" apparently, and Edward loving it because it's about him.

This kid is sent the latest in video game technology, an interactive VR experience which sees him kill another human being, the catch being he's not allowed to leave any witness's or clues. You guessed it, it turns out to be real, and he is suspected for murder.

The only way he can clear his name is to keep playing the game and try to cover his tracks, but move bodies pile up until it's all just too much for a sixteen year old to bare.

The preformances are all top notch, except for the main ten actors, it's surprisingly watchable if it's late and there's nothing else on. The villan, a cyber-spook called the "Trickster" is supposed to be sinister, despite outbursts of comic relief behaviour, such as dancing around the boys bedroom to Primus' "Welcome to this world".

Overall a good effort, and like i said, it's the cream of the B-grade crop.
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