Dark Shadows (1991)
It wasn't given a proper chance
9 June 2001
I will certainly join the critics who complain that there wasn't enough about this show that was original. I will forever wonder why Dan Curtis keeps thinking that telling the same story over again will satisfy the audience that couldn't get enough of the original series; we were hoping for some new stories.

That having been said, the revisions made to the original character relationships were a definite improvement and the program was very well cast. Jonathan Frid is a tough act to follow as Barnabas, but Ben Cross did an excellent job. As for Adrian Paul, the moment I laid eyes on him I knew he was star material. I will admit to having been disappointed that certain female characters, especially Angelique, were inadequately developed.

Another thing about this program that could have been adjusted was allowing the Collins family to have had some earlier generations in the U.S. I suspect that one of the reasons the original series ran out of ideas was the need to keep the time-traveling to discrete generations of the family and, with Barnabas having been born in the second half of the 18th century, they ran out of those rather quickly. This, of course, assumes that he could only go back as far as his original mortal life...

If you enjoyed this show anyway, check out HIGHLANDER [the series, that is]. It gives us Adrian Paul at his best with lots of historical flashbacks.
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