Review of Bad Taste

Bad Taste (1987)
Excellent low-budget splatter by a pre-LOTR Peter Jackson.
13 January 2002
Despite being made on a low-budget, having bad acting, shaky camerawork and a plot that is best described as thin, this is one of the best splatter films ever made and is a great movie to watch with a bunch of mates.

Aliens are invading earth (well New Zealand actually), and are going to turn the human race into a new fast food on their planet. To stop this from happening, the government send in... 'THE BOYS.'

The plot is just an excuse for some brilliant homemade make-up splatter effects, and some well choreographed action set-pieces. Peter Jackson directs, writes, photographs, does the make-up effects and the best performances in the film, and it's easy to see some of the brilliant touches that would go into his later work.

This is an enjoyable film to watch, especially after a curry and a few beers with your mates, but make sure you've finished your curry before watching. This is called BAD TASTE remember!


(It is also worth noting that any wannabe filmakers out there should get anchor bay's limited edition DVD, this has some excellent tips such as homemade weapons and effects and $20 Stedicams)
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