Man Friday (1975)
4 July 2003
I have not seen this in a long while, and it has not been released on VHS or DVD, but I remember it as in intelligent spoof of Robinson Crusoe. It is the same old story we all know, but it is told from the perspective of Friday, who, if I recall correctly, narrates the tale like a hip soul brother from the 1970's replete with a Jamaican accent.

"Broter, lemme tell ya, iss da story o dis dumb wite mon, who doan know his ahs from a coconut grove."

That's not exactly what he said, but it is the gist of how things are told. Friday, Richard Roundtree, who had just finished three movies and one television series as Shaft, is a wealth of oneupsmanship over the not too bright Crusoe, played superbly by Peter O'Toole.

This is a must watch and a keeper. Write ABC Entertainment. Tell them to get it out on DVD. I think that one of the problems with this film is that AVCO Embassy Pictures, which produced it with ABC, went out of business years ago.

A choice film.
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