Review of Chelsea Girls

Chelsea Girls (1966)
The god-like genius of Warhol
10 September 2000
In my mind, along with Blow Job, Warhol's greatest film. Here as in all his films he accomplishes a zen like genius: slowing down our perception in order to speed it up. As always he shows cinema as what it truly as - voyeurism. Astounding in every sense, this is a film that every cineaste should see. On my first viewing shortly after Warhol died, in my teens, I found that subconsciously this style was a huge influence onme though I didn't realize it til years later. It engages our sense fully, 100% of the time. He deprives us of so many things in order to enrich our experience and expand it as well. A film impossible to describe - if I wrote 1000 words I'd not get any closer. See it by all means whenever you get the chance.
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