This is by far one of the craziest movies I've ever seen, and I loved every moment of it. The surrealness of the humor, the crazy colored costume design, and the hilarious performances make this something special. A lot of the people who reviewed this on the lower half seem to have misunderstood what the movie was supposed to be. It turns what seems to be nonsense into amazing story arcs. I found myself laughing VERY hard at the strangest moments, the whole world that this movie sets up is mind boggling. Putting politeness over having any confrontation in the most extreme circumstances. The uncomfortableness of the whole neighborhood and every person in it makes this movie a whole lot of fun. I wish there were more movies that could make me burst out laughing with showing some kids flaunting knives. This is one of the few movies that deserves the cult status shorty after releasing. The whole cast is great, I can't wait to see what the writer/director duo come up with next