We all know overbearing mothers, whether they are our own or our friends’. (“Bring a sweater, it could be cold out,” “You look so thin! You need to eat more!,” “Sooo, let’s talk boys”). Insert Helicopter Mom, in which Nia Vardalos plays a similar-minded suffocating mother.
The film, directed by Salomé Breziner and written by Duke Tran, stars Vardalos as Maggie and Jason Dolley as her college-bound son, Lloyd. Maggie is smothering and doesn’t want to see her son go. “What’s left after this? Prom, then graduation, then you’re gone!” Maggie exclaims in the trailer. “I’m going to college.
The film, directed by Salomé Breziner and written by Duke Tran, stars Vardalos as Maggie and Jason Dolley as her college-bound son, Lloyd. Maggie is smothering and doesn’t want to see her son go. “What’s left after this? Prom, then graduation, then you’re gone!” Maggie exclaims in the trailer. “I’m going to college.
- 4/6/2014
- C. Molly Smith के द्वारा
- EW - Inside Movies
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