Pamela Francesca
- Actress

Known to the creative world as Pamela Francesca, bilingual actress,
singer, writer and model Pamela Francesca Celiz Paz was born in Lima,
Peru and raised in the USA. At the age of 29, she is already an
experienced artists in the world of music, TV, film, literature, and
modeling. Pamela's family says she was born entertaining. The life of
the party even at 4 years old, she has been in love with putting on a
performance ever since she was old enough to walk and talk. At family
gatherings, her parents would often have Pamela - the youngest of three
siblings - do some sort of show either alone or with her sisters,
sometimes dancing, sometimes singing with her toy guitar, but always
taking her presentations seriously and commanding an audience. Growing
up in a household full of artistic drive, fueled by her musically and
theatrically talented parents who had performed themselves during their
youth in Peru as well; and having two talented older sisters whom she
eventually started a music group with called The Graces, it was only
natural for Pamela to also pick up the guitar, pen, and camera on her
own and make life one big piece of art. From composing songs to
creating poems and coming up with short stories, writing was clearly
Pamela's first major creative outlet. But it wasn't long until she
discovered theater in drama classes inn school, which then led to film
classes and full attendance at the Lee Strasberg Institute, all of
which made her realize that her passion for acting was more than just a
hobby: It was exactly what she wanted to do for the rest of her life.
Pamela is currently focused on acting while still taking offers to
model and also putting together her blog, a
creative outlet that focuses on the love of everything from food and
fashion to travel and dating. Her fully illustrated book, "Francesca:
Quest for Love", due out next year, features a character Pamela created
as her tribute to her "love of love itself".