Indie filmmaker Matthew C. Dumond gave Fango some details and exclusive scene shots (see ’em below) from his writing/directing debut The ID Proxy. “It’s a combo of an intense thriller with some slasher scares,” Dumond tells us.
Rick Dumont (“Though our names are very similar, he is of no relation to me,” the filmmaker notes) stars as Will, a borderline psychotic who goes over the edge and embarks on a delusion-fueled murder spree. The principal victims are a group of campers who have the bad luck to wind up in his path. “They’re killed off one by one in various horrifying ways as Will delves further into the evils hidden deep within his subconscious,” Dumond says. “The film illustrates the terrifying path of a truly deranged mind gone astray, focusing on a man who has lost all perception of reality and the division between right or wrong,...
Rick Dumont (“Though our names are very similar, he is of no relation to me,” the filmmaker notes) stars as Will, a borderline psychotic who goes over the edge and embarks on a delusion-fueled murder spree. The principal victims are a group of campers who have the bad luck to wind up in his path. “They’re killed off one by one in various horrifying ways as Will delves further into the evils hidden deep within his subconscious,” Dumond says. “The film illustrates the terrifying path of a truly deranged mind gone astray, focusing on a man who has lost all perception of reality and the division between right or wrong,...
- 01/12/2008
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