Jason Lamar(I)
- Actor
- Art Department

Jason Lamar was born and raised in Alameda California. In the the San
Francisco Bay Area. Excelling in his High school's United States Army:
JROTC (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps) Program, He happened upon
a moment of fate where his training was put to good use. One day while
Lamar and a friend, where walking to work in Oakland California, they
crossed paths with a mugger in the act of beating a woman. Lamar and
his friend apprehended the man, and as a result Lamar received the U.S.
Army's Metal of heroism and a full ride scholarship to any college in
Jason used this opportunity to pursue his dream of moving to Los Angeles and pursuing a career in Acting. As of 2009 Jason has been blessed to work in feature films like; Pirates of the Caribbean 3, Spike TV's 1000 ways to die, 1000 ways to Lie, and Monk.
He Lives by his favorite quote, "Live every day in the moment, and you won't miss out on anything that life has to offer." Lamar simply likes to look at his acting career as a life practice. The more Free he becomes behind the camera, or on stage, The more he frees him self up in his daily life.
Jason used this opportunity to pursue his dream of moving to Los Angeles and pursuing a career in Acting. As of 2009 Jason has been blessed to work in feature films like; Pirates of the Caribbean 3, Spike TV's 1000 ways to die, 1000 ways to Lie, and Monk.
He Lives by his favorite quote, "Live every day in the moment, and you won't miss out on anything that life has to offer." Lamar simply likes to look at his acting career as a life practice. The more Free he becomes behind the camera, or on stage, The more he frees him self up in his daily life.