Blu-ray Review
Return of the Magnificent Seven
Directed by: Burt Kennedy
Cast: Yul Brynner, Robert Fuller, Julian Mateos, Warren Oates, Virgilio Texeira, Claude Akins, Elisa Montes
Running Time: 1 hr 35 mins
Rating: Nr
Due Out: August 2, 2011
Plot: Legendary gunslinger Chris (Brynner) returns to Mexico with a new batch of six cowboys to save a vulnerable town from a terrorizing leader.
Who’S It For?: If you’re looking for another serving of Magnificent Seven-like awesomeness, look elsewhere. If bland gunplay provided by an excessive amount of dull characters is your thing, this movie might keep you awake.
Return of the Magnificent Seven is infected with the same attribute that makes other unwarranted sequels suck. It abuses the power of the components that made the original so special, and it focuses on giving the audience a second helping of what they clamored for, but this time with a giant shoulder-shrug as they dish it out.
Return of the Magnificent Seven
Directed by: Burt Kennedy
Cast: Yul Brynner, Robert Fuller, Julian Mateos, Warren Oates, Virgilio Texeira, Claude Akins, Elisa Montes
Running Time: 1 hr 35 mins
Rating: Nr
Due Out: August 2, 2011
Plot: Legendary gunslinger Chris (Brynner) returns to Mexico with a new batch of six cowboys to save a vulnerable town from a terrorizing leader.
Who’S It For?: If you’re looking for another serving of Magnificent Seven-like awesomeness, look elsewhere. If bland gunplay provided by an excessive amount of dull characters is your thing, this movie might keep you awake.
Return of the Magnificent Seven is infected with the same attribute that makes other unwarranted sequels suck. It abuses the power of the components that made the original so special, and it focuses on giving the audience a second helping of what they clamored for, but this time with a giant shoulder-shrug as they dish it out.
- 26/9/2011
- Nick Allen के द्वारा
- The Scorecard Review, Inc. उपरोक्त न्यूज आर्टिकल, ट्वीट या ब्लॉग पोस्ट के कंटेंट या सटीकता के लिए कोई ज़िम्मेदारी नहीं लेता है. यह कंटेंट केवल हमारे यूज़र के मनोरंजन के लिए प्रकाशित किया गया है. न्यूज आर्टिकल, ट्वीट और ब्लॉग पोस्ट IMDb के विचारों का प्रतिनिधित्व नहीं करते हैं और न ही हम गारंटी दे सकते हैं कि उसमें रिपोर्टिंग पूरी तरह से तथ्यात्मक है. कंटेंट या सटीकता के संबंध में आपकी किसी भी चिंता की रिपोर्ट करने के लिए कृपया संदेह वाले आइटम के लिए जिम्मेदार स्रोत पर जाएं.