Most people’s idea of a Hamptons homemaker is probably some version of a Nancy Meyers character — rich, accomplished and caught up in dizzying romantic confusion in her own piece of tastefully decorated, sun-kissed real estate porn. Linda, the Montauk psychologist played with edge-of-delirium tension by a phenomenal Rose Byrne, is not that woman. In writer-director Mary Bronstein’s If I Had Legs I’d Kick You, Linda is basically a knot of unrelieved stress, immune to the “It’s not your fault” platitudes of a family therapist who warns against the “thinking trap” of shame and blame.
The root cause of Linda’s whirling-dervish anxiety spiral is the mysterious, seemingly untreatable illness of her young unnamed daughter (Delaney Quinn), heard but unseen almost throughout, aside from the bag attached to her intravenous feeding tube. Or her little feet dangling from the toilet as water floods the bathroom of the family home.
The root cause of Linda’s whirling-dervish anxiety spiral is the mysterious, seemingly untreatable illness of her young unnamed daughter (Delaney Quinn), heard but unseen almost throughout, aside from the bag attached to her intravenous feeding tube. Or her little feet dangling from the toilet as water floods the bathroom of the family home.
- 24/1/2025
- David Rooney के द्वारा
- The Hollywood Reporter - Movie News
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