He was cast as "Bib Fortuna" in Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) after casting director Mary Selway saw him appearing in the play "The Streets of London" in 1981. It took over eight hours of make-up to first transform him into the character. By the end of his five-week
shoot, make-up artist Nick Dudman had streamlined the process down to 58 minutes. Removing the make-up took another 25 minutes. He also wore lifts to make himself appear even more imposing than his actual 6 feet in height.
I was initially surprised by the way people remember me from Return of the Jedi because when I was working on film, I just sort of turned up, did the job and didn't think much about it. But nowadays, I get letters about it all the time, from people all over the place. It's odd because my character, Bib Fortuna, is very famous, but I'm not. It's a very weird situation to be in, but it's definitely something I've gotten used to!