Katrina Barber and Julianne Ryan. (Photo: City of Mandurah).
Screenwest and Carers Wa have awarded Perth-based production studio Rhythm Content a $50,000 production grant to produce 12 disability-led short projects and provide mentoring to four filmmakers with a disability.
The funding has been awarded under the Different Lens initiative, a partnership between Screenwest and Carers Wa designed to offer screen skills development opportunities for disability diverse screen practitioners, produce local disability-led content, build capacity within the local screen sector to be more inclusive, and promote visibility of disability diverse on screen talent.
Rhythm Content is a creative production studio founded in 2018 by Adam and Gemma Rule. The Different Lens initiative will be facilitated by Rhythm and a cohort of filmmakers who will act as mentors.
“When this opportunity was presented to us we jumped at the chance to work with and support a group of storytellers and filmmakers, led by Screenwest and Carers Wa,...
Screenwest and Carers Wa have awarded Perth-based production studio Rhythm Content a $50,000 production grant to produce 12 disability-led short projects and provide mentoring to four filmmakers with a disability.
The funding has been awarded under the Different Lens initiative, a partnership between Screenwest and Carers Wa designed to offer screen skills development opportunities for disability diverse screen practitioners, produce local disability-led content, build capacity within the local screen sector to be more inclusive, and promote visibility of disability diverse on screen talent.
Rhythm Content is a creative production studio founded in 2018 by Adam and Gemma Rule. The Different Lens initiative will be facilitated by Rhythm and a cohort of filmmakers who will act as mentors.
“When this opportunity was presented to us we jumped at the chance to work with and support a group of storytellers and filmmakers, led by Screenwest and Carers Wa,...
- 23/7/2020
- jkeast के द्वारा
- IF.com.au
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