Despite the fact that DC and Marvel Comics are perhaps the two greatest competing comic book franchises in history, it seems as though their universes share a secret cosmic link–and DC’s Silver Surfer cameo proves it.
The Silver Surfer is a hero within the Marvel Universe who was once a Herald of Galactus, the Devourer of Worlds. Silver Surfer’s mission was to fly across the universe and search for planets Galactus could consume–an endless task that resulted in the deaths of trillions throughout his tenure. Eventually, Silver Surfer left Galactus’ side and became a hero of Earth alongside the Fantastic Four and the Avengers, and due to the Power Cosmic that flowed through his veins, courtesy of his former master, Silver Surfer was a great asset–and now, it seems Silver Surfer has become significant not just on an in-universe level, but in a meta sense as well.
The Silver Surfer is a hero within the Marvel Universe who was once a Herald of Galactus, the Devourer of Worlds. Silver Surfer’s mission was to fly across the universe and search for planets Galactus could consume–an endless task that resulted in the deaths of trillions throughout his tenure. Eventually, Silver Surfer left Galactus’ side and became a hero of Earth alongside the Fantastic Four and the Avengers, and due to the Power Cosmic that flowed through his veins, courtesy of his former master, Silver Surfer was a great asset–and now, it seems Silver Surfer has become significant not just on an in-universe level, but in a meta sense as well.
- 4/1/2023
- Spencer Connolly के द्वारा
- ScreenRant

While Superman always tries to see the best in people, including his fellow heroes, even the Man of Steel admitted he doesn't get along with a fellow Justice League hero. In Green Lantern/Superman: Legend of the Green Flame by DC Comics, Kal-El revealed he found Oliver Queen's Green Arrow to be "kind of abrasive," which is about as disapproving as it gets from the hero.
In Green Lantern/Superman: Legend of the Green Flame by Neil Gaiman, Mike Allred, Terry Austin, Todd Klein, and Matt Hollingsworth from DC Comics, Superman and Green Lantern catch up after a long period. When Superman asks how Green Arrow, one of Green Lantern's former closest friends, is doing, Hal Jordan tells Superman they're still on speaking terms. Unprompted, Kal-El tells his fellow hero that he never "really gotten on with" Oliver Queen, calling the Justice Leaguer "abrasive." The conversation ends up being a...
In Green Lantern/Superman: Legend of the Green Flame by Neil Gaiman, Mike Allred, Terry Austin, Todd Klein, and Matt Hollingsworth from DC Comics, Superman and Green Lantern catch up after a long period. When Superman asks how Green Arrow, one of Green Lantern's former closest friends, is doing, Hal Jordan tells Superman they're still on speaking terms. Unprompted, Kal-El tells his fellow hero that he never "really gotten on with" Oliver Queen, calling the Justice Leaguer "abrasive." The conversation ends up being a...
- 29/12/2022
- Liam McGuire के द्वारा
- ScreenRant

In a brand-new showcase for the leading cover artists for Marvel Comics, the most iconic covers in the publisher's history are getting reimagined in a new series of variants. This week, Marvel Comics revealed classic covers like Todd McFarlane's Spider-Man #1, Mike Ploog's Ghost Rider #1 cover, and Bill Sienkiewicz's Moon Knight #1 cover are all getting remade by some of the most popular cover artists currently working in the industry. The art will appear throughout 2023.
Marvel Comics has no shortage of iconic cover art on the pages of its most important stories. From the X-Men's Days of Future Past cover from John Byrne and Terry Austin (that even DC Comics has homaged) to Frank Miller's iconic cover art featuring Daredevil and Elektra for Daredevil #181 to the very first cover appearance of The Fantastic Four, every time period for the publisher is filled to the brim with memorable cover arts from incredibly talented artists.
Marvel Comics has no shortage of iconic cover art on the pages of its most important stories. From the X-Men's Days of Future Past cover from John Byrne and Terry Austin (that even DC Comics has homaged) to Frank Miller's iconic cover art featuring Daredevil and Elektra for Daredevil #181 to the very first cover appearance of The Fantastic Four, every time period for the publisher is filled to the brim with memorable cover arts from incredibly talented artists.
- 19/10/2022
- Liam McGuire के द्वारा
- ScreenRant

There’s something charmingly accessible about Todd McFarlane and Greg Capullo. Talking to them, you never get the feeling that you’re talking to a multimedia titan of geek culture or one of the most beloved Batman artists of all time, respectively. It feels more like running into two guys tailgating outside an Ozzy Osborne show, inviting you to geek out with them about their comic art collection, shooting the breeze about the car they’re working on together, and periodically dropping preternatural draftsmanship wisdom sprinkled with comic art history. And then McFarlane will say something like, “I’m in the business of cool. Period,” and you suddenly remember that you’re talking to two of the biggest names to ever create comics and that they’re teaming up for a fresh Batman Spawn crossover that is likely to be one of the biggest books of the decade.
Batman Spawn,...
Batman Spawn,...
- 7/10/2022
- Jim Dandy के द्वारा
- Den of Geek
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