- Geboren am
- Verstorben13. Dezember 2014 · Brooklyn, New York, USA (nicht bekannt gegeben)
- GeburtsnameMary Dawne Arden
- Größe1,75 m
- Mary Arden wurde am 30 Juli 1933 in St. Louis, Missouri, USA geboren. Sie war Schauspielerin und Autorin, bekannt für Blutige Seide (1964), A... come assassino (1966) und Los marcados (1971). Sie war mit Arthur Hansel verheiratet. Sie starb am 13 Dezember 2014 in Brooklyn, New York, USA.
- EhepartnerArthur Hansel(1965 - ?)
- Spent four years in the Caribbean and Latin America as a marketing director and general manager for Helena Rubinstein International. Subsequently resided in Mexico City, running her own modeling, acting and self-improvement academy, as well as co-hosting television documentaries for Mexican Public Television.
- Was responsible for writing the English dialogue of Blutige Seide (1964) as she found the original translated script to be too stilted.
- Worked with two Italian skeleton-clad criminals in her career; Sadistik in the photo comics and Kriminal in film.
- Was on the cover of top fashion magazines, including Italian Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Glamour, Mademoiselle, Bellezza, L'Art et la Mode and Novita.
- At one time operated her own marketing and body language consulting firm, Arden Associates, based in New York.
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