John Cleese(I)
- Actor
- Writer
- Producer
John Cleese was born on October 27, 1939, in Weston-Super-Mare,
England, to Muriel Evelyn (Cross) and Reginald Francis Cleese. He was
born into a family of modest means, his father being an insurance
salesman; but he was nonetheless sent off to private schools to obtain
a good education. Here he was often tormented for his height, having
reached a height of six feet by the age of twelve, and eventually
discovered that being humorous could deflect aggressive behavior in
others. He loved humor in and of itself, collected jokes, and, like
many young Britons who would grow up to be comedians, was devoted to
the radio comedy show, "The Goon Show," starring the legendary
Peter Sellers,
Spike Milligan, and
Harry Secombe.
Cleese did well in both sports and academics, but his real love was comedy. He attended Cambridge to read (study) Law, but devoted a great deal of time to the university's legendary Footlights group, writing and performing in comedy reviews, often in collaboration with future fellow Python Graham Chapman. Several of these comedy reviews met with great success, including one in particular which toured under the name "Cambridge Circus." When Cleese graduated, he went on to write for the BBC, then rejoined Cambridge Circus in 1964, which toured New Zealand and America. He remained in America after leaving Cambridge Circus, performing and doing a little journalism, and here met Terry Gilliam, another future Python.
Returning to England, he began appearing in a BBC radio series, "I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again", based on Cambridge Circus. It ran for several years and also starred future Goodies Tim Brooke-Taylor, Bill Oddie and Graeme Garden. He also appeared, briefly, with Brooke-Taylor, Graham Chapman and Marty Feldman in At Last the 1948 Show (1967), for television, and a series of collaborations with some of the finest comedy-writing talent in England at the time, some of whom - Eric Idle, Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones, Michael Palin, and Chapman - eventually joined him in Monty Python. These programs included The Frost Report (1966) and Marty Feldman's program Marty (1968). Eventually, however, the writers were themselves collected to be the talent for their own program, Monty Python's Flying Circus (1969), which displayed a strange and completely absorbing blend of low farce and high-concept absurdist humor, and remains influential to this day.
After three seasons of the intensity of Monty Python, Cleese left the show, though he collaborated with one or more of the other Pythons for decades to come, including the Python movies released in the mid-70s to early 80s - Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975), Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979), Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl (1982), and Monty Python's the Meaning of Life (1983). Cleese and then-wife Connie Booth collaborated in the legendary television series Fawlty Towers (1975), as the sharp-tongued, rude, bumbling yet somehow lovable proprietor of an English seaside hotel. Cleese based this character on a proprietor he had met while staying with the other Pythons at a hotel in Torquay, England. Only a dozen episodes were made, but each is truly hilarious, and he is still closely associated with the program to this day.
Meanwhile Cleese had established a production company, Video Arts, for clever business training videos in which he generally starred, which were and continue to be enormously successful in the English-speaking world. He continues to act prolifically in movies, including in the hit comedy A Fish Called Wanda (1988), in the Harry Potter series, and in the James Bond series as the new Q, starting with The World Is Not Enough (1999), in which he began as R before graduating to Q. Cleese also supplies his voice to numerous animated and video projects, and frequently does commercials.
Besides the infamous Basil Fawlty character, Cleese's other well-known trademark is his rendition of an English upper-class toff. He has a daughter with Connie Booth and a daughter with his second wife, Barbara Trentham.
Education and learning are important elements of his life - he was Rector of the University of Saint Andrews from 1973 until 1976, and continues to be a professor-at-large of Cornell University in New York. Cleese lives in Santa Barbara, California.
Cleese did well in both sports and academics, but his real love was comedy. He attended Cambridge to read (study) Law, but devoted a great deal of time to the university's legendary Footlights group, writing and performing in comedy reviews, often in collaboration with future fellow Python Graham Chapman. Several of these comedy reviews met with great success, including one in particular which toured under the name "Cambridge Circus." When Cleese graduated, he went on to write for the BBC, then rejoined Cambridge Circus in 1964, which toured New Zealand and America. He remained in America after leaving Cambridge Circus, performing and doing a little journalism, and here met Terry Gilliam, another future Python.
Returning to England, he began appearing in a BBC radio series, "I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again", based on Cambridge Circus. It ran for several years and also starred future Goodies Tim Brooke-Taylor, Bill Oddie and Graeme Garden. He also appeared, briefly, with Brooke-Taylor, Graham Chapman and Marty Feldman in At Last the 1948 Show (1967), for television, and a series of collaborations with some of the finest comedy-writing talent in England at the time, some of whom - Eric Idle, Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones, Michael Palin, and Chapman - eventually joined him in Monty Python. These programs included The Frost Report (1966) and Marty Feldman's program Marty (1968). Eventually, however, the writers were themselves collected to be the talent for their own program, Monty Python's Flying Circus (1969), which displayed a strange and completely absorbing blend of low farce and high-concept absurdist humor, and remains influential to this day.
After three seasons of the intensity of Monty Python, Cleese left the show, though he collaborated with one or more of the other Pythons for decades to come, including the Python movies released in the mid-70s to early 80s - Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975), Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979), Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl (1982), and Monty Python's the Meaning of Life (1983). Cleese and then-wife Connie Booth collaborated in the legendary television series Fawlty Towers (1975), as the sharp-tongued, rude, bumbling yet somehow lovable proprietor of an English seaside hotel. Cleese based this character on a proprietor he had met while staying with the other Pythons at a hotel in Torquay, England. Only a dozen episodes were made, but each is truly hilarious, and he is still closely associated with the program to this day.
Meanwhile Cleese had established a production company, Video Arts, for clever business training videos in which he generally starred, which were and continue to be enormously successful in the English-speaking world. He continues to act prolifically in movies, including in the hit comedy A Fish Called Wanda (1988), in the Harry Potter series, and in the James Bond series as the new Q, starting with The World Is Not Enough (1999), in which he began as R before graduating to Q. Cleese also supplies his voice to numerous animated and video projects, and frequently does commercials.
Besides the infamous Basil Fawlty character, Cleese's other well-known trademark is his rendition of an English upper-class toff. He has a daughter with Connie Booth and a daughter with his second wife, Barbara Trentham.
Education and learning are important elements of his life - he was Rector of the University of Saint Andrews from 1973 until 1976, and continues to be a professor-at-large of Cornell University in New York. Cleese lives in Santa Barbara, California.
- Second Swallow-Savvy Guard
- The Black Knight
- Peasant 3
- Sir Launcelot the Brave
- Knight of Camelot
- Taunting French Guard
- Tim the Enchanter
TV Series
- Announcer
- Various
- The Announcer
- Interviewer
- Voice Over #1
- Voiceover #1
- Chartered Accountant
- Doctor
- General
- Mr. Eric Praline
- Officer
- Peter
- Sergeant
- Stockbroker
- Viking
- Voice Over
- Voice-Over #1
- 'Ethel the Frog' Presenter
- 'How Not to Be Seen' Narrator
- 'Life and Death Struggles' Narrator
- 'Mosquito Hunters' Narrator
- 'Penguins' Presenter
- A Scottsman on a Horse
- A Scottsman on a horse
- A man in the street
- A.J.P. Taylor
- Advertising Boss
- Alan
- Alan Whicker #5
- Albatross Seller
- American Commentator
- American Voice
- Anne Elk
- Armless Padre
- Arthur Briggs' Bedmate
- Arthur Figgis
- Attila the Hun
- Auctioneer
- BBC Man
- Beryl
- Board Member
- Brian Equator
- Brian Trubshawe
- Brigadier
- Brigadier Arthur Gormanstrop (Mrs.)
- Brigadier Sir Charles Arthur Strong (Mrs.)
- Bruce Beer
- Bus Hijacker
- Captain
- Captain R. H. Pretty
- City Gent
- Colonel Type
- Counsel
- Cricketer
- Customer
- David
- Defence
- Dennis Moore
- Derek Hart
- Doris
- Douglas
- Dr. E. Henry Thripshaw
- Dr. Larch
- Driver
- East Midlands Poet Board Sales Manager
- Eric Praline
- Fifth Doctor
- Fifth Groupie
- Fifth Sailor
- First 'Probe-Around' Host
- First Businessman
- First City Idiot
- First Doctor
- First Explorer
- First Frenchman
- First Interviewer
- First Officer
- First Producer
- First Radio Voice
- First Sergeant
- First Superman
- Flight Lieutenant Ken Frankenstein (Mrs.)
- Fourth Bruce
- Fourth City Gent
- Fourth Knight
- Fourth Man
- Fourth Old Idiot
- Fourth Writer
- Frankenstein's Monster
- Game Show Presenter
- Gavin Millarrrrrrrrrr
- General #2
- Gladys
- Gloria
- Gumby
- Gumby #2
- Gumby Specialist
- Gumby Standing on Water
- Head of Drama
- Highlander
- Hungarian Citizen
- Inspector
- Inspector Leopard
- Inspector Praline
- Inspector Tiger
- Interviewer #2
- Interviewer for It's the Arts
- Ivan the Terrible
- Jack
- James McNeill Whistler
- James McRettin
- Janet
- Jim
- Jimmy Buzzard
- Joke Victim
- Ken Clean-Air Systems
- Ken Dove
- Kevin O'Nassis
- Linkman
- Lionel
- Lord Kinwoodie
- Ludwig van Beethoven
- M. Brun
- Man at Desk
- Man from Curry's
- Man with Dung
- Man with Enormous Ears
- Man with Flying Contraption
- Man with Rustic Monologue
- Mariolini
- Member of the Mounties Choir
- Mervyn Little
- Michael Miles
- Mr. A
- Mr. Barnard
- Mr. Bartlett
- Mr. Bones
- Mr. Cutler
- Mr. Feldman
- Mr. Glans
- Mr. Hilter (Adolf Hitler)
- Mr. Livingstone
- Mr. Mousebender
- Mr. Robinson
- Mr. Samson
- Mr. Sm
- Mr. Teabags, the Minister of Silly Walks
- Mr. Wang
- Mr. Wiggin
- Mr. Zorba
- Mrs. Dreary Fat Boring Old Git
- Mrs. Premise
- Mungo the Cook
- Naughty Bishop
- Naughty Chemist
- Nazi
- Newsreader
- Nurse
- Old Gramophone
- PA Announcer
- Pearson
- Pepperpot #2
- Pepperpot #4
- Pier Paolo Pasolini
- Police Chief
- Policeman
- Policeman at Ouija Board
- Politician
- Priest
- Professor Enid Gumby
- Professor Sir Adrian Furrows
- Professor Tiddles
- Prosecuting Counsel
- RSM Teaching Self-Defense
- Referee
- Robber
- Roger Last
- Roger Thompson
- Sam Trench
- Second Airline Pilot
- Second Major
- Second Man
- Second Pepperpot
- Second Pilot
- Second Policeman
- Second Presenter
- Second Reader
- Second Ypres Voice Over
- Secret Policeman Bag
- Shouting man with handkerchief on his head
- Silly Job Interviewer
- Silly Walker
- Sir George Head
- Sir Robert Eversley
- Sir Vincent 'Kill the Chaps' Foster
- Southerner
- Spanish Lecturer
- St. John Limbo
- Stapleton the Bookseller
- Store Manager
- The Minister For Overseas Development
- Theatre Critic for the 'Western Daily News'
- Third Gas Man
- Third Officer
- Third Robert
- Third Young Man
- Tick
- Upperclass Twit
- Upperclass Twit of the Year Commentator
- Various Roles
- Vicar
- Vocational Guidance Counsellor
- Voice Over #3
- Voice of Block
- Voiceover
- Voiceover #2
- Vox pop interviewer
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- Woman in Lake Pahoe
- Woman who is offered a burglary