I really don't understand all the love this movie gets. As most of you all have read, there are people out there that think The Batman is better than any of the Dark Knight trilogy or either of Burton's movies and I really don't understand it. Pattinson is horribly miss cast, the story kind of loses itself as it progresses and the score has one good track that is played over and over. I know the director was trying to make this the most grounded and realistic Batman to date but in doing so, he made it unbelievable... what's up with Batman being so accessible and accepted around cops that at times he walks amongst them like he's one of them? If someone really wanted to find out the identity of Batman, couldn't they use facial recognition technology by taking his picture while he's hanging around? The Batman I am more familiar with lurks in the shadows and really only talks to Gordon and other people in his inner circle.
There were some things I liked about the movie...I did give it a 6/10. The set design and the overall feel of Gotham was really cool and made me think of Seven which the director was obviously going for. Collin Farrell as Oz/The Penguin stole every scene he was in, I liked Wright as Gordon and Paul Dano's Riddler was extremely creepy.
I have tried watching the movie again and did like it more the second time but I still think it's the most overrated movie to come out in the last few years.