First off, Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert premiered their movie review show in November 1975 on Chicago Public TV and it was entitled "Coming Soon To a Theater Near You", not "Sneak Previews". It was called this at least into 1977. By 1978 it had a less cerebral tone and the name had changed to "Sneak Previews" with the familiar intro music, and the great chemistry between Roger and Gene that persisted until Siskel's death in 1999. In 1982 the show went commercial and was renamed "At The Movies". In 1986 their show became "Siskel and Ebert and The Movies" and went under the umbrella of the Walt Disney Corporation. The show changed names again in 1999 after the death of Gene Siskel, but that would be expected. Apparently all of these name changes have confused archivists.
The bottom line is that although Siskel and Ebert had a regular movie review show from 1975 until 1999, it was not named "Sneak Previews" from the beginning in1975 for 21 years as this entry would have you believe. I'm giving 10/10 stars for the show, regardless of name, because almost from the beginning, as soon as these two worked through the dynamics of the situation, they were a joy to watch.