Here is a film that will make you laugh alot if you just sit back and enjoy it for what it is. Don't come in expecting the best movie ever made. Its a light hearted comedy. Try and see the humor in the situations each character faces and you will thoroughly enjoy it.
Will Ferrell doesnt have to always shock and awe us to be relevant. His level of funny has matured just as he has. Yes he may not be as funny as he was in "Old School" but he doesn't need to be that funny in every role.
The movie is entertaining, but of course like always there will be people who complain and say, well this isn't as good as this movie or that movie. Don't be willing to write off everything as a disappointment before you have even truly given it a legitimate chance. Try not to have huge such huge expectations, or try to compare this movie to all the others you have seen before it, and if you do that, I am certain you will enjoy this funny movie as my friend and I did. It literally had us laughing in most of the scenes. 7/10.