Can you always get the best results with the best ingredients? The answer is YES, YOU CAN. Provided you have an actor/superstar who listens to his director, an actress/global celebrity who just glows on screen throughout the movie and if the big budget is totally justified.
All the credit for this extravagant movie goes to Shankar Shanmugam. The man is an absolute genius. His creativity reaches great heights with this movie and elevates the Indian movie standard to an all time high. With every movie of his, the scale of movie-making grows tremendously. He got the best technology money can buy. Looks like the majority of the budget is spent on Animatronics and this movie has got plenty of that.
Rajinikanth is magnificent in this movie. In fact, he is the movie. He adds life to every single frame created by Shankar. Aishwarya does what she does best, look GORGEOUS.She has some pretty slick dance moves in the songs.
The Animatronics are the best you could find in any movie so far and not just an Indian movie. The songs are spectacular. Shankar shows the audience some of the best places in the world all for a few bucks. The locations are mind-blowing and totally unique to this movie. Shankar handpicked the locations for the songs and they are shot on a grand scale. The music is haunting and highly entertaining.
This movie will surely become one of the biggest movies ever made in India and without a doubt bring in a lot of moolah to the producers, distributors and the exhibitors all around the world.
Rajinikanth redefines super stardom. Truly, a legend of a man.