I absolutely love the Bumblebee movie and the character design so this is already great.the fact that you decided to make a fan film after Bumblebee is a great idea.i love the characters and love the setting and i know that the script is finished but i would recommend a survival style story . Like Transformers prime season 3 .now we go to the bad things. There need to be more fights and i know you are first trying to make the story get a opening but in episode 2 with trail breaker it should have been a little longer or trail breaker having some dialogue. And i got no problem with making a opening for your story but we have to wait a long time for these episodes so automatically People expect it to be epic.the voices are also kinda weird but that is something i see at every Transformers fan film .But you guys do a Great job i cant wait for more.which explains why i want each episode to be epic.