My only advice for potential criminals who are reading this review is I would advise against breaking into a nice car lol. You will get locked in.
I caught the trailer and I was pretty hooked, went into this one open minded with zero expectation and it was a pleasant surprise.
Bill Skarsgård plays a really slimy character who at first I just wanted to see him suffer. But as the story progresses you start to feel for him, and start rooting for this guy.
Anthony Hopkins plays a narcissist rich man who is really sick and twisted. But you understand why he does certain things as you learn about his back story. His weapon of justice is a modified car that feels indestructible.
The suspense is great and I really liked the film's atmosphere and setting. There's never a dull moment and the pacing moves along really well. Twards the end I found Locked a little predictable but overall this is an enjoyable time at the theater. Go out and see it, at least watch it on vod when it comes out.