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- 12 artistes célèbres portent des costumes pour cacher leurs identités. Un chanteur est éliminé chaque semaine et démasqué. De petits indices sont donnés pour que le spectateur devine qui ils sont.
- Un avocat infructueux est impliqué dans une affaire de meurtre et est en quelque sorte pointé du doigt comme l'escroc de génie Big Mouse.
- Une émission d'enquête présentant l'histoire d'un des meilleurs agents du service secret. Dans son effort pour découvrir le traître interne qui l'a conduit à sa chute, il affronte un ennemi beaucoup plus grand derrière l'organisation.
- Park Young-Han est un jeune détective. Il est révolté par la réalité de la violation de la dignité humaine et se bat pour y faire face. Il fait équipe avec ses collègues détectives.
- The friendship and love lives of three single virgins born in 1983. The boy they liked in their youth shows up one day when they live in rundown apartments. They discover the meaning of home, family and friendship.
- Jung Han, a top murder squad detective in the special investigation bureau of violent crimes becomes the sole guardian of his 6-month-old niece, Eun Ae when his sister and her husband pass away unexpectedly.
- In Paris on the night before the French Revolution, the people have been suffering under the rule of Louis, the sixteenth. A young girl, Simone, whose parents were murdered by aristocrats decides to challenge them.
- A food company manager who goes through a series of tumultuous events after breaking up with a loved one for unknown reasons.
- Dan Oh is a high school student. One day, she suddenly realizes that something is going on with her. She suddenly loses her memory and her personality changes. She goes to the doctor, but the doctor says that she is completely normal. However, she now can see into the future. What is going on with her?
- Dried Squid Fairy tells Dan Oh that they are in the world of comics. Dan Oh doesn't want to believe his words, but she realizes that it is true. She thinks her character is the lead character of the comic, but she notices that there is another character who is the female lead of this world.
- Dan Oh realizes that her role in the comic book is to make the lead characters fall in love, and she hates it. Even she smashes the plaster casts, it goes back to normal since that is not intended by the writer. Dan Oh asks Dried Squid about the black hole she saw at the library, but Dried Squid says that it's a dangerous thing.
- Dan Oh and Kyung have dinner together with their parents. After the dinner, Dan Oh warns Kyung to keep a distance from her, and Kyung thinks she is odd. One day, Dan Oh really falls down the stair, but someone saves her. Dan Oh wants to find the guy who saved her, but it is not easy.
- Dried Squid tells Dan Oh that everything will go wrong when extras get names and start acting on their own. Haru gets hurt because of Kyung, and Dan Oh thinks that it is all because of her. Dan Oh doesn't go to Kyung's house for dinner, and Kyung takes it out on Dan Oh. At that time, Haru appears in front of Dan Oh.
- 20198,5 (58)Épisode téléviséDan Oh finally finds the guy she was looking for, but she suddenly teleports to the hospital. Dan Oh meets Do Hwa at the hospital, and Do Hwa tells Dan Oh that she has been acting strange these days. Do Hwa becomes aware of himself, and Dan Oh tells him that he is in the world of comics.
- Mu Young asks Dan Oh if she wants to quit school and travel the world with him. Dan Oh tells Mu Young that she wants to go to the summer camp, and he allows her to do that. Dan Oh is excited to go to the summer camp with Number 13, but she can't find him anywhere at the summer camp.
- Dan Oh gets lost in the mountain while the couple night trekking, and she is scared of being alone in the midst of the mountain. At that moment, Number 13 comes to Dan Oh. Dan Oh realizes that the story has changed because of Number 13.
- Dan Oh tells Kyung that she wants to break up with him. Also, Dan Oh is determined to change the storyline of the comic, but Dried Squid tries to stop her, saying such a change might destroy the world of the comic.
- Nam Ju's birthday party is held. Haru, who is not invited to the party, manages to go into the party in disguise and tries to change the storyboard as he, Dan Oh, and Do Hwa planned. Do Hwa lets Ju Da know about his feelings for her. However, because of Kyung, Haru's plan goes wrong.
- Dan Oh tells Kyung that she never liked him. Like Dried Squid said, Haru's pain gets worse when the story changes. Kyung tells Haru that he is just toying with Dan Oh, and Haru gets mad at his attitude. Meanwhile, Haru decides to be the only person who can change Dan Oh's fate.
- People start to recognize Haru. They remember Haru's name, and he has his name tag now. Kyung asks Dan Oh out for a date, but he stands her up all of a sudden. Haru appears in front of Dan Oh at that moment and they spend a great time together.
- Kyung tells Dan Oh that he knows about the book "Secret". Haru disappears all of a sudden, and the students in Seuli High School don't remember him at all. Dried Squid tells Dan Oh that it is because of her, and Dan Oh doesn't know what to do.
- On Seuli High School's Sports Day, Dan Oh plays a game with Kyung. While playing the game, Dan Oh falls down, and Kyung gets annoyed again. At that moment, Haru appears in front of Dan Oh, but Haru doesn't seem to remember Dan Oh for some reason.
- Haru becomes popular in Seuli High School. Nam Ju announces that Ju Da is the only woman for him from now on. Dan Oh decides to accept her own fate and forget about Haru and her struggles to change the story. Meanwhile, Haru keeps having a dream about Dan Oh.
- Ju Da suggests Nam Ju that he should make up with Do Hwa, and Do Hwa is back into A3. Kyung discovers the book "Trumpet Creeper" and finds out that Dan Oh is in the book. Dan Oh tells Kyung that everything that she does on stage is all just what the writer wants.
- Haru returns to his old self, and Dan Oh and Do Hwa are happy to have the old Haru back. Dan Oh is glad to have Haru back. Dan Oh and Haru play hooky and they find an antique shop.