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1–29 von 29
- Ein pensionierter Rechtsberater beschließt, einen Roman zu schreiben, um endlich Licht in einen seiner letzten ungelösten Mordfälle sowie die unerwiderte Liebe zu seiner Vorgesetzten zu bringen - beides Dinge, die ihn seit Jahrzehnten verfolgen.
- In Bariloche, reporter Ema Garay's online exposes unveil tax dodgers. Her probe into a 16-year-old's disappearance points to Leo Mercer, upending both their lives.
- Eine Mutter begibt sich im Zuge ihrer eskalierenden Parkinson-Erkrankung auf die unnachgiebige Suche nach den Verantwortlichen für den plötzlichen Tod ihrer Tochter.
- Ein querschnittsgelähmter Computeringenieur im Rollstuhl hört Geräusche und Stimmen von Bankräubern in seinem Keller.
- 1973. Uruguay is governed by a military dictatorship. One autumn night, three Tupamaro prisoners are taken from their jail cells in a secret military operation. The order is precise: "As we can't kill them, let's drive them mad."
- Roberto Bermudez, a specialist in criminal law, is convinced that one of his students committed a brutal murder. It leads him to start an investigation that becomes his obsession.
- In dieser Dokureihe werden die Umstände von María Marta García Belsunces Tod beleuchtet, einem der widersprüchlichsten Kriminalfälle in Argentinien.
- In a gated community, where everyone seems to have it all, secrets start to come out.
- As children, Xavi and Rosana had sworn eternal love. Now, years later and in Spain, Xavi is hired by Osasuna. There he meets Rosana again, who is exiled. The reunion raises questions and revelations.
- The embalmed corpse of Eva Peron is taken to various cities throughout Europe before returning to her home in Argentina, where it is ultimately abducted.
- Abraham versucht, einen Freund zu finden, der ihn am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs vor dem sicheren Tod gerettet hat. Nach sieben Jahrzehnten ohne jeden Kontakt mit ihm wird er sein Versprechen, eines Tages zurückzukehren, einlösen.
- A journey through the vastness of the Argentine desert and what appeared to be the end of the road will become the beginning of a new life.
- Diese Doku analysiert den Mord am Fotojournalisten José Luis Cabezas – eine Tat, die Argentinien erschütterte und eine politische und finanzielle Verschwörung enthüllte.
- Year 1993. Ariel and his family spend their summers in an idyllic Jewish country club. An exploration into the ties that bind in an Argentinean Jewish community.
- A man who assumes the identity of his deceased twin in Argentina.
- A thriller centered on a man who is accused of a crime he didn't commit.
- A day like any other day, in a peaceful and well guarded private neighborhood, Pedro Chazarreta is found dead. News are quickly spread: Chazarreta is not only a powerful businessman, but also the only suspect of having murdered his wife by simulating a silly domestic accident few years ago. To cover the Chazarreta's death affair, the popular newspaper "El Tribuno" calls to Nurit Iscar, aka "Betibu", a noir novels writer who has been inactive for years, only working as "ghost writer". Forced by her debts, Nurit accepts the deal and sets up at the Chazarreta's neighborhood to make a series of non fiction notes about the case of the year. Who killed Chazarreta? Is his death related to his wife's? Are the reasons of his death hidden in his past?
- An accident radically changes Horácio's life, who ends up giving in to his most primitive impulses. He confesses to his wife that, even though he still wishes to remain married, he no longer wants an exclusive relationship. Vera considers leaving her husband, but her professional situation makes her think twice. For her it has never been more important to remain married to Horácio, father of her only son.
- An important newspaper editor needs to choose his next successor. This decision will end up being a dangerous sexual and power game.
- A stressed insurance executive runs from his pressurized life, but what he finds along with his freedom is far less certainty.
- A women is planning to kill her son-in-law after knowing that he is unfaithful to her daughter.
- A group of friends in their 30's meet at a bar in Buenos Aires everyday. They used to hang here as students, laughing at the world, and now they still dream of changing the world from the cafe's table. Unable discuss politics or football, the only thing they can talk about is women. When one of their friends commits suicide, a female from his past shows up to confront old feelings.