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- Eine der beliebtesten Fernsehserien über wahre Verbrechen, die mit journalistischer Integrität und topaktuellem Stil schockierende Fälle und fesselnde Dramen aus dem wirklichen Leben untersucht.
- Das klassische, seit langem erscheinende, investigative Nachrichtenmagazin zur Hauptsendezeit im Fernsehen.
- The news show that does personal interest pieces. Anything from interviews with actors, political figures, athletes, musicians, costume designers, fashion designers, restaurant owners, charity heads, kids with special talents
- Ein Programm mit einer oder mehreren Frage-und-Antwort-Sitzungen mit prominenten Persönlichkeiten, die gerade in den Nachrichten sind. Eine der am längsten laufenden Sendungen im Fernsehen.
- Investigative news episodic show. Based on 48 hours This is the ID (Investigation Discovery) version of it.
- A Cincinnati museum director goes on trial in 1990 for exhibiting sadomasochistic photographs taken by Robert Mapplethorpe.
- Die Morgennachrichten und Talkshow von CBS.
- In 1962, the veteran news anchor Douglas Edwards was replaced with Walter Cronkite. The news show initially used the title "Walter Cronkite with the News", but was soon re-titled to "CBS Evening News". It was the first half-hour weeknight news broadcast on network television. The show dominated the ratings among the network evening news programs for nearly two decades, and Cronkite became known as "the most trusted man in America" (after being given this title in a poll). Cronkite faced mandatory retirement in March 1981, at the age of 65. He was soon replaced by a younger news anchor, Dan Rather.
- Mark Hacking has the looks and charisma, and he puts on quite a facade of who he really is. Lori Kay Soares thinks she has met and married the perfect man until she finds out the truth, which has dire consequences for her.
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- Nurses at two hospitals, a NICU unit at New York Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, and an OR unit at Massachusettes General, are profiled in 3 special documentary hours. "The Rookies," as the first of the hours, was given the Golden Lamp award by the Center for Nursing Advocacy for best portrayal of the nursing profession in 2004.
- A seven-part series about Black America.
- CBS News looks at Malcolm X, focusing on his public life from 1959 to his assassination in 1965, suggesting that his death was a great loss to the nation. The film intercuts archival footage of Malcolm and interviews with family, friends, colleagues, scholars, and writers. CBS documents Malcolm's move from being Elijah Muhammad's deputy in the Nation of Islam to his embrace of Islam: his new links with the civil rights movement posed a real threat to the powers that be. CBS details his death after secret FBI acts to increase the rift between Muhammad and Malcolm. Maya Angelou, Dick Gregory, and Andrew Young offer trenchant comments. "He was our manhood," eulogized Ossie Davis.
- Dark Fellowships attempts to uncover the truth about some of the most renowned and feared secret organizations throughout history. In the first episode, Dark Fellowships: the Vril, meet a bizarre occult group, whose members allegedly included many leaders of the Nazi Party, even Hitler himself.
- On May 3, 1948 Douglas Edwards begins "The CBS-TV News," a regular 15-minute nightly newscast later named "Douglas Edwards with the News." It is broadcast weeknights at 7:30 PM and is the first regularly scheduled television news program in American history.
- Explores the way-out world of the Hippies and the Haight-Ashbury psychedelic 1960s LSD scene. Footage of LSDs users experiencing bummer trips. The Diggers, the Oracle and cool street and Golden Gate Park scenes with hippies tripping out. The Grateful Dead are interviewed and are shown performing "Dancin' in the Streets" on a flatbed truck in Golden Gate Park.