Committee on violence and harassment in the world of work, 108th Session of the International Labour Conference

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Violence and Harassment in the World of Work

Committee on violence and harassment in the world of work, 108th Session of the International Labour Conference © ILO

Adopted in June 2019 ILO Convention No. 190 (C190) is the first international treaty to recognize the right of everyone to a world of work free from violence and harassment, including gender-based violence and harassment.

The impact of Convention 190 on reducing violence and harassment at work

With 44 ratifications in five years, Convention 190 on eliminating violence and harassment in the world of work is the fastest ratified ILO convention of the past decade. Let’s hear from the representatives of governments, employers and workers the impact this convention has had on legislations, policies and more importantly on the lives of people at work.

The impact of Convention 190 on reducing violence and harassment at work

News and articles

Austria ratifies Convention No. 190 on Violence and Harassment in the World of Work
Ratification ceremony of Convention No. 190 on 11 September 2024: Ambassador Désirée Schweitzer, Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations in Geneva, and Gilbert F. Houngbo, Director-General of the ILO.

Austria ratifies Convention No. 190 on Violence and Harassment in the World of Work

More countries affirm support for ending the gender pay gap by 2030
G20 side event in Brazil: EPIC meeting, July 2024

G20 in Brazil

More countries affirm support for ending the gender pay gap by 2030


Policy document

Model Policy against Violence and Harassment in the Workplace

Policy document

On the road to an inclusive and safer world of work: Ratifying ILO C190 and R206

ILO/UN Women Joint Policy Brief

On the road to an inclusive and safer world of work: Ratifying ILO C190 and R206

Recommendations for Jordan to ratify ILO Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190)

Policy Brief

Recommendations for Jordan to ratify ILO Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190)

The link between violence and harassment and inequalities

Discrimination, violence, and harassment perpetuate inequalities in the world of work. The latest video from the campaign for ratifications of ILO Convention 190 shows why collective action is needed to free the world of work from violence and harassment.