HCPC Resources
Resources to support your HCPC registration, renewal, CPD and Fitness to Practice
Professional Guidance
Our professional guidance including our Code of Conduct and Guide to Good Professional Practice reflect HCPC standards and support you in meeting them.
The IBMS CPD scheme enables you to show you have met HCPC CPD standards by providing a framework for recording your CPD activity.
Our CPD ePortfolio is designed so that you can easily download activities recorded in your ePortfolio in PDF and csv format to use as evidence for your HCPC CPD audit.
The categories are used in the IBMS CPD scheme reflect HCPC CPD categories, which makes it easier for you to use activities recorded in your IBMS CPD ePortfolio as evidence that you have met HCPC CPD standards.
We have included headings under the reflective notes section for each CPD activity you record to enable you to show how your CPD meets the HCPC standards, including:
• What learning did you undertake?
• Explain what you learned or achieved
• How have you applied this in your day-to-day practice?
• How could this benefit the service user?
IBMS CPD and HCPC and Science Council professional registration
HCPC continuing professional development (CPD)
Continuing professional development and your registration
How the CPD audit process works
CPD and HCPC standards
Undertaking CPD, and meeting HCPC standards
Your guide to HCPC standards for continuing professional development
Your CPD profile
Putting your CPD profile together
How to complete your continuing professional development profile
How to submit your CPD profile
Activities and evidence
CPD activity types and examples
Providing evidence of your CPD activities
HCPC registration renewal
You can renew your HCPC registration by:
- using your online HCPC account; or
- download and sending an HCPC renewal form and payment to the HCPC
For more information please visit http://www.hcpc-uk.org/registrants/renew/.
The HCPC registration renewal process
How to renew your HCPC registration online
Fitness to practice hearings
IBMS members can access 24hour legal advice with our legal assistance helpline.
Understanding fitness to practice hearings