Do I need to resubmit all my qualification certificates if I am upgrading my IBMS membership?
No. You only need to send us copies of relevant certificates that you have not previously submitted.
If I upgrade part way through the will I have to pay my new membership grade's fees?
If you have paid your membership fee in full then you will not pay the higher membership grade’s fee until the next calendar year.
However, you will be able to enjoy all the benefits of your new grade of IBMS membership as soon as your application has been processed.
If I pay by monthly direct debit and upgrade part way through the will I have to pay my new membership grade's fees?
If you pay by monthly direct debit it will automatically be amended to your new membership grade's fee rate when your upgrade is processed.
If I haven't paid my membership fees for the year but want to upgrade part way through the will I have to pay my new membership grade's fees?
If your membership fee is still outstanding you will be expected to pay your new grade of membership's fee rate when your upgrade is processed.
How do I upgrade with a qualification gained overseas?
If you would like to upgrade your IBMS membership with a qualification you have gained outside the UK you will need to contact Ecctis to have your qualification verified.
Please note: The IBMS Membership Team may be able to check the comparability of your qualifications for the purpose of being admitted to IBMS membership, with Ecctis for a fee of £30.
However, we will not be able to issue you with a Ecctis Statement of Comparability or confirmation letter.
To upgrade with a Ecctis confirmed equivalent qualification you will need to send via email to [email protected]:
- a copy of your qualification certificate
- a letter from Ecctis confirming certification of your overseas qualification as equivalent to the appropriate UK qualification
Please contact [email protected] for further information.
How long will it take to process my upgrade application?
It currently takes 4 - 8 weeks to process a membership upgrade application.
Find our help pages on joining the IBMS, Continuing Professional Development and HCPC registration.