IACR Cryptology Schools
Starting in 2014, the IACR sponsors a small number of Cryptology Schools providing intensive training on clearly identified topics in cryptology. The aim is to develop awareness and increased capacity for research in cryptology. See also the IACR official policy regarding Cryptology Schools.
A Cryptology School is typically held full-time for 4-5 days of intensive learning and constitutes an efficient way to provide high-quality training for graduate students, as well as for professionals. Attendance should be open to anyone who is interested and qualified.
In order to facilitate learning, a school is usually taught by a few domain experts with a focus on educating the audience rather than impressing with results. In line with the mission of IACR, a Cryptology School should enable the audience to advance the theory and practice of cryptology and related fields. At some schools graduate students may also get an opportunity to present their work and gather feedback from the experts and teachers.
Information on proposing an IACR Cryptology School.
Upcoming IACR Cryptology Schools
- Spring School on Symmetric Cryptography 2025, March 10-March 14, 2025, Rome, Italy.
Past IACR Cryptology Schools
- School on Cryptographic Attacks, October 13-October 16, 2014, Porto, Portugal.
- The Fourth Asian Workshop on Symmetric Key Cryptography - Cryptology School (ASK 2014), December 19-December 22, 2014, Chennai, India.
- School on Computer-aided Cryptography, June 1-June 4, 2015, College Park, USA.
- SAC Summer School (S3), August 10-August 12, 2015, Sackville, Canada.
- Summer school of the 19th Workshop on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC 2015), September 23-September 25, 2015, Bordeaux, France.
- School on Design and Security of Cryptographic Algorithms and Devices, October 18-October 23, 2015, Sardinia, Italy.
- Blockchain Technologies; from cryptographic e-cash to modern cryptocurrency, May 29-June 2, 2016, Corfu, Greece.
- ECC2016 Computational Algebraic Number Theory School, September 1-September 7, 2016, Ä°zmir, Turkey.
- COST-IACR School on Randomness in Cryptography, November 14-November 18, 2016, Barcelona, Barcelona.
- IACR-SEAMS School "Cryptography: Foundations and New Directions", November 27-December 4, 2016, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- IACR Cryptogology School on Security & Correctness in the Internet of Thing, May 8-May 12, 2017, Graz, Austria.
- Advanced School on Cryptology and Information Security in Latin America (ASCrypto 2017), September 17-September 19, 2017, La Habana, Cuba.
- IISc-IACR School on Information-theoretic Cryptography, January 4-January 8, 2018, Bangalore, India.
- Symmetric Proof Techniques, July 29-August 3, 2018, Bertinoro, Italy.
- ECI-IACR School on Modern Cryptography (ECI-IACR '18), July 30-August 3, 2018, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- The 1st Crypto Innovation School (CIS 2018), November 29-December 1, 2018, Shenzhen, China.
- Euclidean lattices: theory and applications, July 15-July 19, 2019, Kaliningrad, Russia.
- The 2nd Crypto Innovation School (CIS 2019), December 13-December 15, 2019, Shanghai, China.
- Summer School on Theory and Practice of Multi-Party Computation, May 18-May 22, 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- IACR-CROSSING School on Combinatorial Techniques in Cryptography, April 25-April 29, 2022, Valletta, Malta.
- IACR-CROSSING School on Combinatorial Techniques in Cryptography, April 25-April 29, 2022, Valletta, Malta.
- Academia Sinica/CCoE/IACR Post-Quantum Cryptography Mini-School (PQC Mini-School 2022), July 12-July 15, 2022, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Summer School in Post-Quantum Cryptography, August 1-August 5, 2022, Budapest, Hungary.
- Summer School on Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning, August 1-August 4, 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- IACR-VIASM Summer School on Cryptography, August 24-August 30, 2022, Hanoï, Viêt Nam.
- Graz Security Week 2022 - Summer School on Security, Privacy and Correctness, September 26-September 30, 2022, Graz, Austria.
- School on Applied Cryptography , January 30-February 3, 2023, Bangkok, Thailand.
- The Second IACR School on Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning 2023 (PPML'23), July 31-August 3, 2023, Warszawa, Polska.
- Graz Security Week - Summer School on Security and Correctness (2023) (GSW 2023), September 4-September 8, 2023, Graz, Austria.
- Advanced School on Cryptology and Information Security in Latin America 2023 (ASCrypto), October 2-October 3, 2023, Sangolqui, Ecuador.
- Warsaw IACR Summer School on Post-Quantum Cryptography, July 14-July 19, 2024, Warsaw, Poland.
- Foundations and Applications of Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ICMS ZKP Workshop), September 2-September 6, 2024, City of Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
- Graz Security Week 2024 - Summer School on Security, Privacy and Correctness, September 23-September 27, 2024, Graz, Österreich.
Non-IACR Cryptology Schools held in cooperation with the IACR
The IACR is able to sponsor only a few official Cryptology Schools per year. However, other schools take place in cooperation with the IACR:- Cryptography Summer School, July 21-July 24, 2014, Bucharest, Romania.
- UbiCrypt Summer School crypt@b-it 2014, July 28-August 1, 2014, Bochum, Germany.
- 5th Bar-Ilan Winter School on Cryptography: Advances in Practical MPC, February 15-February 19, 2015, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Asian Workshop on Symmetric Key Cryptography 2015 (School) (ASK 2015), September 30-October 3, 2015, Singapore, Singapore.
- 1st CROSSING Winter School on Quantum Security (CXQS16), January 25-January 29, 2016, Darmstadt, Germany.
- School on Design for a Secure IoT, January 25-January 29, 2016, Tenerife, Spain.
- Spring School on Symmetric Cryptography, March 17-March 19, 2016, Bochum, Germany.
- UbiCrypt Summer School crypt@b-it 2016, 25-29 July 2016, Bonn, Germany., July 25-July 29, 2016, Bonn, Germany.
- SAC Summer School (S3), August 8-August 9, 2016, St. John's, Canada.
- 11th IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management , August 21-August 26, 2016, Karlstad, Sweden.
- The 6th Technion Summer School on Cyber and Computer Security, September 10-September 14, 2017, Haifa, Israel.
- Summer School crypt@b-it 2018 (crypt@b-it 2018), July 23-July 27, 2018, Bonn, Germany.
- IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management (IFIP SC 2018), August 20-August 24, 2018, Vienna, Austria.
- CROSSING Summer School on Sustainable Security Privacy (CROSSING S4P), September 9-September 13, 2019, Darmstadt, Germany.
- crypt@b-it 2022 - Summer school on Cryptography (crypt@b-it 2022), September 12-September 16, 2022, Bonn, Deutschland.
- Summer School crypt@b-it 2024 (crypt@b-it 2024), August 26-August 30, 2024, Bochum, Deutschland.
For inquiries about IACR Cryptology Schools, please send an email to