City of Houston Mayor's Office of Communications 

Mayor's Press Release

Mayor Whitmire's July Update Newsletter

July 31, 2024 --

Dear Houstonians,

We live in a great city with great people. I ran for mayor because I knew that despite our challenges, Houstonians were always ready to help their neighbors, as we witnessed following Hurricane Beryl.

My administration did everything humanly possible to prepare for the storm. However, Hurricane Beryl has revealed significant challenges and vulnerabilities in our city's infrastructure and emergency preparedness. We are now paying the price for years of neglect, deferred maintenance, and lack of transparency.

I recently went to Austin to testify before the Texas Senate Special Committee on Hurricane Preparedness, Recovery, and Electricity to hold CenterPoint accountable. I am also working with state and federal leaders for funding to assist the city with generators because, during the storm, 10 of our fire stations were closed when generators failed. Some of our multi-service centers needed backup generators and were unprepared to handle people seeking relief from the power outages and heat.

The prior administration bragged about leaving a surplus and helping vulnerable Houstonians. We were left with poor resources and broken promises.

Group Photo Ice Distribution

We must do better.

I have inherited a city in dire need of repair, but I am committed to making the necessary changes, and with your support, we can build a better Houston.

I am deeply grateful to our first responders for their tireless work during Beryl. Thank you, Houston community, for your remarkable spirit and unity during these challenging times. I appreciate your support.

Mayor's Signature

Taking Care of Business

Strength in Solidarity: Coordinated Actions for Hurricane Beryl Aid

Mayor Whitmire and Governor AbbottState

Acting Governor Dan Patrick's visit to our Emergency Management Office and Governor Abbott's visit to personally thank first responders highlight the depth of support we received from the state government.

Texas Department of Emergency Management opening of the NRG facility for medical care and provision of additional ambulances assisted our overrun medical facilities and provided assistance to our first responders.

The support from cities across the state, providing law enforcement reinforcements, allowed our weary officers to take care of their own families. This solidarity underscores the strength of our state and the deep sense of community that binds us.


Mayor Whitmire, Dan Patrick, Tom RamsyCounty

Recovery efforts in coordination with Harris County have demonstrated the strength and unity of our community. Commissioners Lesley Briones, Adrian Garcia, and Tom Ramsey have been pivotal in these efforts.

Their visits to our Office of Emergency Management underscored our collaborative approach. The combined efforts of our dedicated officials have made a significant impact, providing relief and comfort to those affected by the hurricane.



Mayor Whitmire and County Commissioner Leslie BrionesFEMA

Our recovery efforts have been significantly bolstered through coordination with FEMA. Already in town for the derecho recovery, FEMA was able to swiftly transition to addressing Beryl's aftermath. They began disseminating critical Beryl-specific information through news releases on the 9th of July, followed by the prompt approval of the federal disaster declaration on the 10th of July.

Our communication with FEMA began as early as appropriate to establish Disaster Recovery Centers and deploy Disaster Survivor Assistance crews. These centers and crews have been essential in providing immediate relief and support to those affected by the hurricane.

The collaboration between our local teams and FEMA has exemplified the importance of preparedness and cooperation in times of crisis. As Mayor of Houston, I extend my gratitude to FEMA for their support and action, which have been instrumental in our recovery efforts.

City Partners

From neighbors helping neighbors to community groups organizing relief efforts, the spirit of Houston has shone brightly through the storm.

Group Photo with Sysco Partnership

Historical Happenings

Honoring Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee: A True Public Servant

This month, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee lay in state in the Houston City Hall rotunda, making her only the second person to receive this rare distinction.

Mayor bows his head at Sheila Jackson Lee's casket

I extend my heartfelt condolences to Congresswoman Jackson Lee's family, staff, and friends. Although we were opponents in the recent mayoral race, we shared a long history of collaboration spanning over 30 years.

Despite our different styles, we consistently worked towards the same goals, advocating for the issues that matter most to Houstonians.

The city was openly invited to City Hall to honor her legacy and unwavering commitment to our community.

President Biden Pays His Respects to the Late Congreswoman

Houston was honored when President Biden personally paid his respects to Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee as she lay in state in the City Hall rotunda.

President Biden at Sheila Jackson Lee's casket

President Biden’s visit underscored her dedication and service, offering heartfelt condolences to her family, staff, and friends. His presence was a testament to the deep respect Congresswoman Jackson Lee earned throughout her career.

Vice President Harris Visits our Office of Emergency Management

I was honored to welcome Vice President Harris to our Office of Emergency Management. During her visit, she learned about the impact of Hurricane Beryl on Houston and discussed how she could assist in our future weather disaster preparation efforts.

After a detailed briefing, she expressed her gratitude to many of our first responders. I am grateful for her partnership and encouragement and look forward to working with her over the next eight years to ensure the safety and resilience of our community.

Vice President Harris in Houston

Houston Mayor Names New Fire Chief

Mayor Whitmire and Fire Chief Thomas MunozI'm pleased to announce that Thomas Muñoz has been appointed as the Chief of the Houston Fire Department.

With over 29 years of experience as a first responder and emergency manager, including 24 years with HFD, Muñoz has a proven track record of leadership and dedication.

He has served as the City's Emergency Management Coordinator and Acting Director for the Mayor's Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security.

I’ve worked with him during challenging times like the flooding in Kingwood, the Derecho storm, Hurricane Beryl, and the winter freeze, and I’m confident he is the best person to lead our fire department.

Chief Muñoz is committed to taking care of the residents of Houston and the men and women of the HFD, ensuring the safety of all residents for years to come.


Houston Police Department Releases Report on Suspended Cases

Mayor Whitmire and Acting Police Chief SatterwhiteToday, the Houston Police Department released its long-awaited report on the use of the "Suspended for Lack of Personnel" cases.

For almost ten years, officers misused the code, creating a backlog of more than 200,000 cases that affected victims of crime.  

Houstonians deserve transparency, accountability, and trust in their police department.

This is the first step in many positive changes my administration is making at the Houston Police Department.

We are committed to public safety, improving the use of tax dollars, and increasing trust in our local government.

Here's a link to the full report:

I thank Acting Houston Police Department Chief Satterwhite and his team for putting this report together and presenting it to the council.

July 2024 was filled with historic events, marked by both challenges and positive milestones. The hurricane tested us, revealing areas where we can improve. As we work together to address these challenges, our unity will be our greatest strength. By fixing the issues uncovered by the storm, we will be better prepared for future recoveries.

Thank you, Houstonians, for your patience, teamwork, and for looking out for one another. Your collective effort and resilience are what make our city truly remarkable.

Mayor's Signature

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