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Gemini forecast for Monday July 22, 2024

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You like to think of yourself as being sensible and fair-minded. And most people would agree with you. Yet there are times (dare I say it) when your actions are less reasonable than your words. Your communication skills are so good, you can make crazy actions sound well-considered. Sometimes you even manage to convince yourself that foolhardy missions are entirely logical. Aargh! It's worth checking to make sure you're not pushing your luck today. If you're patient, a tricky situation will unfold, in a good way, all by itself.

"Phenomenal! Excellent!", "I love that Daisy has been added. Please keep her!", "Breathtaking - I cannot thank her - and you - enough.", "It makes complete sense." What, or who, are they talking about? Find out...

July 21, 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: A plethora of exciting opportunities awaits. What's that? You can't see them? That's because you're focusing on challenges and difficulties. They exist of course. They always do. But if you're holding back from exploring a new venture because you're waiting for them to disappear, you'll wait a long time. Meanwhile, those opportunities will find someone else to present themselves to. There's magic around this week. In order to maximise the power available, you need to say 'yes' to what comes your way. And let go of any fear.

July 20, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: Like fitting a square peg into a round hole, you've got to find a way to achieve something seemingly impossible. Intense, conflicting demands are being made, and, since they relate to people and issues you care about, the pressure is on. No wonder you're tempted to do whatever is easiest; at least that would provide you with a breathing space. But uncomfortable though it feels, try to postpone taking action. If you're patient, this week brings events that point in a clear direction. If you let things unfold, you'll know what to do.

July 19, 2024

You're a communicative Gemini. You don't usually find it hard to express yourself. But right now, there's something you want to say, which you don't dare say. You're worried that you'll create controversy. You may be right. Yet this is a subject you believe needs to be discussed. So believe in your belief! Be diplomatic this Blue Moon weekend. But don't refrain from speaking what's on your heart. Sometimes, to make something constructive happen, you have to take a risk and tell the truth. This is one of those times.

July 18, 2024

Whether you're buying an item online, or visiting your local high street, clothes shopping involves decision-making. Colour, size, style, suitability, price... there are lots of considerations. How can we be certain that we've weighed up all the factors and selected the right/best option? We go through a similar process in all the choices we make - no wonder life can feel overwhelming! Your current decision might not involve shopping, but you're struggling to weigh up the pros and cons. Today brings the answer you seek.

July 17, 2024

Rome wasn't built in a day... but that was ages ago. These days, with all our technological advances and machinery, surely building a big city doesn't take long? Obviously, getting it completed at speed would involve teamwork. And the end result wouldn't have the 'wow' factor of the Italian city. But does that matter? The truth is that things of lasting beauty (or value) take as long to create as they ever did! With Mars moving towards your sign, you're under pressure to create something significant. Just don't compromise on quality.

July 16, 2024

We know the theory; when one door closes, another opens. But since there's a positive to every negative (and vice versa), what should we expect when a door opens? With dynamic Mars moving towards your sign, expect to soon be greeted by lots of open doors. Does that mean lots of previously opened ones will shut? In an ideal world we'd be able to see the other side of every situation. We'd be hopeful when facing challenges and cautious when presented with opportunities. If you get the balance right, you'll make great choices.