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Aries forecast for Monday July 22, 2024

Updated: 2 hours ago
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We like our differences. If we all supported the same football team and voted for the same politician, life would be much less interesting. A degree of disagreement is positive. So is a certain amount of uncertainty. If no one ever wanted reassurance, we wouldn't need to try to put ourselves in their shoes and see from their perspective. Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean you can't work together. In fact, the fact you disagree means you'll have to find a collaborative route forwards. And that will lead to success.

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July 21, 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: You tend to underestimate your effect on other people. Being ruled by power planet Mars, even when you feel overlooked, you're having more impact than you think. Some folk are overawed by your energy; they're attracted to you, but slightly nervous. Others think you're so capable and confident that you have no need of them in your world. But some souls recognise that in spite of your strengths, you're not invincible; and that like everyone else, you sometimes need support. Someone like that is coming your way this week.

July 20, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: It feels like a question mark is dangling over your head. Since it involves your future, you want to answer it ASAP. This week, although you're unlikely to resolve all the details, the Sun's move into Leo brings a positive boost that helps you formulate a plan that heads in the right direction. So, with that in mind, try to let go of your desire to answer the big question. If you leave it alone, it will return the favour and stop consuming your thoughts. With this week offering opportunities you don't want to miss, trust... and focus on them.

July 19, 2024

What would happen if you put your feet up and stopped doing what you're doing? Would the process you've been focusing on carry on unfolding? Or is movement only happening because of your efforts? You've invested lots of energy in a plan; now it's time to reassess. If you haven't already managed to kickstart a process which can continue generating its own momentum, maybe you need to focus on something that's going to attract support from other people? The astrological Blue Moon shines on a possibility. Take it!

July 18, 2024

We know the problem with making important decisions in haste; no one wants to repent at leisure. But hastiness is often the result of pressure. And pressure isn't easy to deal with. Even if we do our best to play down a source of tension, other people often pressurise us to do 'something' to relieve it. Yet pressure creates diamonds; sometimes, when the pressure is on, we're forced to realise our untapped potential. With Mars moving towards Gemini, if you follow your instincts, you won't regret a decision you make in haste today.

July 17, 2024

We're notoriously good at turning a blind eye to truths we don't want to see. If they're 'out of sight' they're 'out of mind'. We can all see the appeal of this philosophy; but if we practice it enough, with a concerted effort, we end up managing to ignore things that are right in front of our noses. Right now, you've got no choice other than to get to grips with an annoyingly bothersome issue. Your every thought ends up turning to it. Today, the timing might not feel perfect, but if you're determined to instigate positive change, you'll succeed.

July 16, 2024

Why does life have to be so challenging? What do you need to change in order to live in a more relaxed way? Do you need to radically alter your lifestyle? Er... no. Actually, you just have to accept that an important process is unfolding at its own pace. You can't speed it up. But you don't need to. With your ruler, Mars moving towards Gemini (intelligence), interesting developments will result in you feeling much more at ease with the way you're making progress. You'll soon realise that the timing couldn't possibly be better.