Hamamatsu Photonics has developed a new instrument, creating a unique class of cell analyzers

  • Hamamatsu Photonics K. K.
    Headquarters: 325-6, Sunayama-cho, Chuo-ku,
    Hamamatsu City, Japan
    President and CEO: Tadashi Maruno

CYTOQUBE Light-Sheet Microplate Cytometer C15200-01RGBU

CYTOQUBE Light-Sheet Microplate Cytometer C15200-01RGBU

Imaging is a critical part of scientific research, from benchtop discovery to preclinical drug screening 1 . Building on our deep foundation of engineering and life science applications we have developed a new tool for advanced live cell image analysis. The CYTOQUBE Light-Sheet Microplate Cytometer (C15200-01RGBU) is designed to enable fast, information dense imaging of multi well cell culture plates 2,3 . Using a streamlined implementation of light-sheet microscopy and our own Zyncscan image processing platform, the CYTOQUBE rapidly acquires 3D fluorescence images of each well in an entire microplate 4 . The imaging data collected with the CYTOQUBE and Zyncscan enables rapid assays for size, shape, number and color/intensity of cells or cell populations. The CYTOQUBE ’s advantages start with the light-sheet optical system for simplified 3D acquisition and culminate with our advanced Zyncscan imaging processing algorithms for fast acquisition and rendering of 3D images and increased rendering of 3D images and increased signal to noise ratio through the removal of background fluorescence.


1: Drug screening is a step for evaluating the efficacy and safety of new drug candidate substances and sorting out the best ones in the R&D for drug discovery.

2: A microplate is a flat plate with many wells arranged in rows to contain samples to be measured

3: A cytometer is a device for quantitatively measuring the size, shape, and function of individual cells from a cell population.

4: Zyncscan technology is a new technology that combines optical and image processing technologies based on light-sheet optics.