How to sell products with YouTube videos

Taran Soodan

If you're looking for an effective way to sell your products online, you should consider creating YouTube videos. Due to recent features that make it easier to sell products directly through YouTube, now is the best time to invest in videos. 

With millions of users watching online videos daily, YouTube is a great platform for promoting your goods and reaching new customers. In this post, we'll explain how to create successful YouTube videos to help you sell more products.

1. Start by creating a YouTube channel specifically for your products

We know this sounds obvious, but we have to say it. YouTube is a great platform for selling products because it allows you to reach a wide audience with your marketing message. To get started, create a YouTube channel for your business. Be sure to include keyword-rich titles and descriptions in your channel so that people can easily find your videos. Once you have created your channel, start uploading product videos. 

Make sure to include persuasive calls to action in your videos so that viewers will be encouraged to buy your products. You can also use YouTube ads to promote your videos to a wider audience. To be successful, you need to create high-quality videos that offer value to viewers and that are optimized for search engines. With some effort, you can build a large following on YouTube and sell lots of products!

2. Upload videos that show off your products and how they are used

The best thing you can do is upload videos that show off your products and how they are used. By doing this, you'll be able to reach a wider audience and boost your sales. 

The first step is to come up with an engaging video idea. This can be anything from a tutorial on how to use your product, to a behind-the-scenes look at your company, to a funny take on a common problem that your product solves. Once you have an idea, the next step is to film and edit your video. 

If you're not sure how to get started, there are plenty of online resources that can help you out. Once your video is complete, it's time to upload it to YouTube. Be sure to include an engaging title and description, as well as keywords that will help viewers find your video. 

3. Write informative descriptions of each video, including the benefits of using your products

There are a few things to remember when writing descriptions for your YouTube videos. First and foremost, accuracy is key. Don't try to stuff keywords or mislead viewers about the content of your videos in an attempt to get more views; not only will this damage your reputation, but it could also get your account banned from YouTube altogether. Be sure to properly spell-check and proofread your descriptions before publishing them.

In addition to being accurate, your video descriptions should also be persuasive. Convincing viewers to buy your products is essential if you want to sell more on YouTube, so take some time to highlight the benefits of using them. What makes your products better than the competition? How will they improve the lives of your viewers? Answering these questions in your descriptions can go a long way towards boosting sales.

Finally, remember to include a call-to-action (CTA) in every description. A CTA is a statement or question that encourages viewers to take a specific action, such as visiting your website or subscribing to your channel. Including a CTA will help increase conversions and ensure that more viewers take the next step in the sales process.

4. Use keywords in your titles and descriptions to help people find your videos

If you want to sell your products on YouTube, it's important to use keywords in your titles and descriptions to help people find your videos. Think about what people might search for when they're looking for products like yours, and include those keywords in your titles and descriptions. 

You can also use Google Ads to create ad campaigns that target people searching for keywords related to your products. When done right, using keywords can help you reach a wider audience and sell more products on YouTube.

5. Share your videos on social media and other websites to get more views

If you're selling products on YouTube, it's important to get as many views on your videos as possible. One way to do this is to share your videos on social media and other websites. This will help to increase the visibility of your videos and attract new viewers. Additionally, you can use YouTube's annotation feature to link to your website or product page. 

This will give viewers the option to learn more about your product or make a purchase. By taking these steps, you can significantly increase the number of views on your YouTube videos and boost sales of your products.

6. Monitor the comments section and respond to any questions or concerns promptly

If you're selling products through your YouTube channel, it's important to closely monitor the comments section in order to address any questions or concerns from viewers. Prompt responses show that you're attentive and receptive to feedback, which can encourage potential customers to purchase your products. 

Additionally, responding to comments is a great way to build rapport with your audience and create a community around your brand. If you regularly engage with viewers, they'll be more likely to stick around and continue supporting your channel. So if you're looking to sell products on YouTube, monitor the comments section closely and respond accordingly.

Tips for optimizing your YouTube videos to make more sales

Here are 5 tips for increasing sales with YouTube videos:

1. Keep it short and sweet. The average attention span is only 8 seconds, so you need to hook your viewers in right away. Get to the point quickly and make sure your video is under 2 minutes. 

2. Use annotations and calls-to-action. Use annotations to direct viewers to your website or blog so they can learn more about your product or service. You can also include calls-to-action in your videos, like "subscribe now" or "click the link below." 

3. Leverage the power of SEO. Make sure your videos are properly tagged and include relevant keywords so they appear in search results. This will help you reach a wider audience and drive traffic to your site. 

4. Create helpful content...that also promotes your product or service. If you want people to buy from you, you need to give them a reason to trust you first. Provide helpful, informative content that establishes you as an expert in your field. Then, subtly promote your product or service as a solution to the problem you just presented. 

5. Invest in paid advertising. Paid advertising on YouTube can be very effective in driving views and clicks to your website. You can use TrueView ads, which are skippable ads that run before or during other videos, or Discovery ads, which appear on the right side of the YouTube homepage as well as next to related videos after someone watches something similar to what you're promoting.

If you want to start selling products with YouTube videos but don't know where to start, this guide should help. You need to ensure that your video is high quality and informative, entertaining, and visually appealing. You also need to make sure that you're promoting your product in the right way and using relevant keywords. Finally, don't forget to include a call to action so that viewers know what they can do next. By following these tips, you can create successful YouTube videos that sell products and help grow your business.

How Cross-Store Selling grows your Shopify store

Want to know the open secret to growing your Shopify store? It’s Cross-Store Selling. With Cross-Store Selling, your brand can sell products from other stores and vice versa.

Sell your products on other brands’ websites

With Carro, we have a directory of the biggest brands for you to partner with. This means they’ll sell and market your products to their customers. But if you can’t decide which brands are the best fit, we have a tailored recommendation service where we introduce you to brands so you can begin working together.

The best part is you don’t have to pay for products like you would with traditional wholesaling. This allows you to choose different SKUs to see what complements your existing product catalog.

"Take my word for it, if you install Carro, you are going to see what I’ve seen. Which is a dramatic increase to average order value, especially on orders that contain Carro products, which for us is over 80% increase to AOV." 

Ryan Pamplin, Founder & CEO of Blendjet

Virtual inventory makes fulfillment easy

Brand partnerships are not like wholesaling. With Carro, you don’t have to buy products from your partners. Instead, orders are automatically sent to your partner brands so they can handle fulfillment themselves. 

“Before we joined Carro, we had put our company on the market. We thought we needed capital to expand our traditional wholesaling. Now, we’re able to meet our goals without having any cash come out of pocket. We’re tripling and quadrupling the numbers of units that we move because we have access to so much more inventory.”

Amy Richardson-Golia, June & January

Find new bundling & upsell opportunities to increase AOV

Perhaps the most exciting reason to leverage Cross-Store Selling is that it’s the best way to grow your Shopify store in the long run. By working collaboratively with other brands, your brand will set itself up for success. Your Shopify store will become THE destination for your niche. 

One of the best reasons to shop on Amazon is convenience. Being able to buy everything you need in one place is a powerful motivator. Wouldn’t you love it if your Shopify store was the go-to place for your customers’ needs?

"In addition to a nice contribution to the bottom line, it was also one of the most highly-engaged social posts for the year." 

David Krimper, Director of Shopify, Manduka

To learn more about how Carro can help your Shopify store grow, check us out on the Shopify App Store.

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