Progress  is  Possible  But Not Inevitable

Our Mission

In 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development to achieve a better world by 2030. Started by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Goalkeepers is a catalyst for action toward these goals—bringing together leaders from around the world to make progress toward ending poverty and fighting inequality.


Goalkeepers is dedicated to accelerating progress toward the Global Goals: using powerful stories, data, and partnerships to highlight progress achieved, and bring together a diverse range of leaders to address the world’s major challenges.

A Better 2030. By the Numbers.

The 2023 Data

Imagine a World

Across the world, approximately 800 women a day still die in childbirth. This means that the day a woman gives birth is the day she is most likely to die. In this year’s report, we highlight new innovations that can save nearly 2 million more mothers and babies by 2030.
Explore the 2023 Data

The 2021 Data

Progress on the Global Goals Is Still Possible, but Not Inevitable

Last year, we feared the worst when it came to the Global Goals. But even amid the devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic, we've seen that hope can grow from seeds planted years earlier.
Explore the 2021 data

The 2019 data

Examining Inequality Across Geography and Gender

In 2019, we introduced new high-resolution data showing that where you are born is more predictive of your future than any other factor.
Explore the 2019 data

The 2017 Data

Investments to Fight Poverty and Disease Have a Huge Impact

In 2017, we launched our inaugural Goalkeepers Report. We shared the stories behind child and maternal mortality, family planning, HIV, and financial services for poor communities.
Explore the 2017 data

The 2024 Data

The Race to Nourish a Warming World

The world's worst child health crisis is malnutrition. Climate change is making it even harder to solve. To protect the world’s children from hunger’s worst effects, we must invest in global health.

Explore the 2024 Data

The 2022 Data

The Future of Progress

We are at the halfway point for the SDGs, and almost every indicator is off track. At this historical inflection point, how the world responds to these setbacks is a choice that will impact what happens now and for generations to come. Millions of lives are in the balance.

Explore the 2022 data

The 2020 Data

We've Been Set Back About 25 Years in 25 Weeks

In 2020, we looked at the damage the pandemic has done and argued for a collaborative response. There is no such thing as a national solution to a global crisis.
Explore the 2020 data

The 2018 Data

Decades of Progress May Be on the Verge of Stalling

In 2018, we argued that if current trends continue, the number of poor people in the world will stop falling—and could even start to rise.
Explore the 2018 data

Goals  to  Improve  the  World 

In 2015, member states of the United Nations agreed upon 17 Global Goals to create a more sustainable future for all. The Goalkeepers community is working toward ending extreme poverty and hunger and improving healthy living, education, gender equality, access to clean water and sanitation.

Learn More About Global Goals