X Testing Software
This page provides infomation on various tools to aid the testing ( and to a degree, debugging ) of X Servers and Clients.
Please add anything I've missed that you find useful.
General Testing/Debugging Tools ( Not X specific )
GNU interactive debugger.
gcov, gprof
Code coverage and profiling. Part of the GCC compiler collection.
Valgrind is a GPL'd system for debugging and profiling x86-Linux ( and now powerpc ? ) programs. Very useful for trapping memory leaks.
X Server Testing
EricAnholt 's program for testing server render acceleration correctness. In initial development, available from fd.o git "xapps/rendercheck/"
Xtest suite
Build and usage instructions can be found here: http://wiki.x.org/wiki/XorgTesting
Tests performance of most ( non render ext ) X operations.
Available packaged in most distributions.
I did some tests measuring blit speeds with kdrive on various ARM based handhelds. The results of which are available here;
X Client Testing
Client X servers ( or X clients that are servers )
Xephyr, Xnest
Both of these provide servers that run on an existing X server. Useful for window manager development or 'emulation' of a different sized display. Both are available in git. Xnest is mature and stable but lacks support for 'modern' X extensions ( such as render and composite ), whilst Xephyr supports these extensions but is a newer and less widely distributed application.
Xnest is also available packaged in most distributions.
See also Software/Xephyr
Server side resource leaks
Provides realtime 'top' like statistics of each clients resource usage in the server. Software/xrestop
EWMH/ICCCM compliance
Window manager tools.
matchbox & metacity window manager source both contain various tools to generate 'dummy' windows with particular properties.
http://matchbox.handhelds.org ( grab matchbox-tests )
Command line tool to inspect window properties. Available packaged for most distributions.
New nice window inspection tool with GTK GUI and EWMH hint 'aware'. Software/wininfo
Protocol usage / events
xev displays the contents on events recieved by its window. Available packaged for most distributions.
xmon is an 'interactive X protocol monitor'. It acts as a proxy between a server and clients and provides configurable infomation on the traffic passing through it. Available packaged for most distributions. ( apt-get install xmon on Debian )
Also see
Automating Usage
Xnee is a suite of programs that can record and replay X events. This allows user interaction to be recorded and played back. Xnee can be used as a monitor, to 'retype' a file and to distribute events. Xnee can record all data in the X11 protocol. http://www.sandklef.com/xnee/
'matchbox nest' is a graphical wrapper around xnest. Its intended for embedded developers that want to simulate a target device ( with display, buttons ) on a desktop machine. http://matchbox.handhelds.org/sources/matchbox-nest/ -- ?MatthewAllum - 09 Jun 2004