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191 results match your filter criteria.

A Voyage Through the Arctic Post #6

A Voyage Through the Arctic

An Alaskan Pioneer, Part 2
September 28, 2024 - Research ,
Scientists deploying a net that catches samples from the ocean Deploying bongo nets. Credit: Mabel Baldwin-Schaeffer/NOAA Fisheries.

A Voyage Through the Arctic Post #5

A Voyage Through the Arctic

An Alaskan Fishing Pioneer, Part 1
September 12, 2024 - Research ,
Large white vessel on the water with misty hills in the background R/V Oscar Dyson leaving Dutch Harbor. Credit: Paul Hillman/NOAA Fisheries.

Studying Fur Seal and Sea Lion Populations in Sunny Southern California - Blog Post 1

Travels to Sunny Southern California for Population Studies of Seals and Sea Lions

Join Alaska Fisheries Science Center researchers as they continue long-term studies of the populations of pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, fur seals) at San Miguel Island, California.
July 23, 2024 - Research ,
Intern sitting on a hill with binoculars looking down to a rookery Intern Chris Moon searching for marked California sea lions on San Miguel Island. Credit: NOAA Fisheries / Sharon Melin.

Net-Working in the Pacific

A team of scientists recently collected marine organisms with large nets to help better understand the biological composition of our ocean. Learn about these tools that help our scientists "net-work" all around the ocean.
July 03, 2024 - Research ,
The right image shows the tucker trawl half submerged in the ocean with the sky visible in the background. Tucker trawl in the water just after deployment. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Johanna Wren

Not All Seeds Are Grown On Land

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Research fishery biologist Sandy Sutherland visited a shellfish farm in New Jersey to learn what they do and how her research can help them.
July 01, 2024 - Research ,
Several dozen baby oysters each about the size of an eraser head rest in the palm of a person’s hand.

Winter Sets The Ocean’s Clocks

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Research fishery biologist Katey Marancik shares how the data she and others collected during the winter 2024 Ecosystem Monitoring Survey are an important starting point for understanding the ocean’s clock for the year.
April 10, 2024 - Research ,
A large piece of ocean water sampling gear sits on the side deck of a research vessel while at sea. The ocean is choppy and the sunrise is peeking through the clouds. A choppy morning during the winter 2024 Ecosystem Monitoring Survey. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Katey Marancik

A Food Blog For Planktivores

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Research fishery biologist Katey Marancik participated in the winter 2024 Ecosystem Monitoring Survey sampling plankton. While eating in NOAA Ship Henry B. Bigelow’s galley, she wondered, “What would a planktivore food blog look like?” So she created one.
March 14, 2024 - Research ,
Three people face the camera at a dinner table with a NOAA logo table cloth. Each person has a plate of food in front of them on the table and a smile on their face.

Welcome Back, Winter EcoMon

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Winter survey season is not for the faint of heart! Research fishery biologist Katey Marancik participated in the winter 2024 Ecosystem Monitoring Survey (EcoMon) and shares the literal ups and downs of trying to get to the survey vessel and out to sea.
March 13, 2024 - Research ,
A person wearing a winter jacket, knit hat and a life jacket stands on the side of a boat taking a photo of another boat with their cell phone.

Collaboration with Canada Strengthens Ocean Acidification Science

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

NOAA Fisheries continues to foster collaboration with Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Postdoctoral researcher Sam Gurr recently went on an international exchange to advance research on the effects of ocean acidification on shellfish.
January 30, 2024 - Research ,
Female scientist standing to the left of a table containing fiberglass chambers with individual scallops. Male scientist standing to the right of the table. Both are pipetting to collect samples. A laboratory and whiteboard are in the background.