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63 items match your filter criteria.

Restoring Ecosystems and Rejuvenating Native Hawaiian Traditions in Maui

With support from NOAA, Hawaiʻi Land Trust is restoring a 15th-century Native Hawaiian aquaculture site. This human-made ecosystem will provide food for community members and habitat for wildlife while protecting coral reefs offshore.
October 10, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Waiheʻe Coastal Dunes and Wetlands Refuge. Credit: Hawaiʻi Land Trust Waiheʻe Coastal Dunes and Wetlands Refuge. Credit: Hawaiʻi Land Trust

A Substantial Reduction in Seal Entanglement

New analysis confirms Hawaiian monk seals greatly benefit from marine debris cleanup efforts in the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument.
September 27, 2024 - Feature Story ,
A Hawaiian monk seal lays on a sandy beach while a green net is wrapped around their neck and mouth. A Hawaiian monk seal entangled in a derelict fishing net. Credit: NOAA Fisheries (Permit #10137)

Millionth Spiny Superhero Released to Devour Hawaiʻi's Coral-Smothering Algae

One million sea urchins have now been deployed through the Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources’ work in partnership with NOAA to restore corals after the M/V Cape Flattery grounded on an Oʻahu reef.
December 06, 2023 - Feature Story ,

Local Talent and Indigenous Knowledge Key to Restoring Hawaiʻi Coral Reefs

Threats to coral are increasing and the involvement of the local community is imperative. With funding through NOAA’s underserved community grants, Kuleana Coral Restoration graduated their first cohort of local and Native Hawaiian ocean conservationists.
October 30, 2023 - Feature Story ,
COAST participants prepare for one of their first restoration dives. From left to right: Baylee Jackson, Pono Okimoto, Denise Oishi (instructor) Ciara Ratum, and Makaio Villanueva. COAST participants prepare for one of their first restoration dives. From left to right: Baylee Jackson, Pono Okimoto, Denise Oishi (instructor) Ciara Ratum, and Makaio Villanueva. (Photo: Blake Nowack/Kuleana Coral Reefs)