How ads work

Understand how our ad review process works to limit the chance of your ads being rejected. Typically, ads about social issues, elections or politics are reviewed within 72 hours, although in some cases, it may take longer.

Note: if your ad has been stuck in review for over 72 hours, you can contact our team who can provide support. Make sure that you provide the relevant Ad IDs when submitting the task.

Learn how the ad auction works

Every time there's a chance to show your ad to someone in your audience, it enters an ad auction to determine who should see it. The goal of an auction is simple – to pair your ad with people in your audience who are most likely to be interested in it.

Let Meta ads work for you

Conversions API: Implement the Conversions API to improve campaign targeting, decrease cost per action (CPA) and more accurately measure your ad.

Simplified ad sets: Combining similar Meta ad sets and campaigns will help you spend your budget efficiently and can reduce cost per action for advertising.

Broad targeting: Let Meta's system learn who is interacting with your ads – and find more people like them – while lowering your cost per action.

Drive conversions with video ads made for mobile: Capture attention, drive more conversions and reduce cost per action when you use mobile-friendly video.

A/B testing: Compare your ads with A/B tests focused on creative, targeting or ad set structure to understand which strategies will work best for your campaigns.

How your inputs will influence your ad's performance:


Once you've created your ad, the auction will look at five factors to help evaluate your ad's quality and relevance to your target audience. These factors include:

  1. Creative best practices
  2. Choosing the right objective
  3. Finding the right audience
  4. Competitive budget
  5. Setting a long enough duration


Our auction system will begin showing your ad to people in your audience to learn who is more likely to engage with your organisation.


Over time, the auction will narrow your audience to show your ad to people who are more likely to interact with it – helping you get the most results possible for your budget.

Related resources

Explore advertising tips and guides for government and charitable organisations.