Negative Mass and Negative Refractive Index in Atom Nuclei - Nuclear Wave Equation - Gravitational and Inertial Control: Part 4: Gravitational and Inertial Control, #4
By Raul Fattore
About this ebook
Some efforts have been made to prove negative mass behavior through some experiments performed in mechanics, and other disciplines as well as some theories in electrostatics, but I haven't found research about similar effects at the atomic level, where the most elementary mass given by the atomic nucleus is to be found.
- Is the second Newton's law still valid with negative mass?
- What could happen if we make the atom behave in a negative mass regime?
- Is the negative refractive index related to negative mass?
- Are we able to control the magnitude of mass?
- Are we able to control the sign of mass?
The answers to these questions are given through this book series, with results that are coincident with experimental data, except for the negative mass regime. Experiments must be done to confirm or invalidate the theory developed in these books. Needless to say, if experiments validate this theory, then a significant change in mankind is going to happen. In that case, I strongly ask scientists to cooperate by making use of the derived technologies for good and refrain from doing it for evil.
Raul Fattore
There is no special physics field of my choice. Whenever I need to find answers to some questions that I cannot find anywhere, it is an opportunity to exercise my "Brainuter" trying to obtain the answer by developing a scientific approach. I am particularly interested in the study of negative mass, gravitational control, inertial control, gravitational interaction, static and dynamic deformation of celestial bodies, the impact of the mass of the universe on celestial bodies, atomic theory, the atom model, particle physics, wave-matter interaction, cosmology, and electrodynamics. I do not meet the requirements to publish my studies in reputable scientific journals because I am an independent scientist and do not work for any universities or research institutions. This is why I created my own website,, to provide answers about how Mother Nature works and to spread the word about my research. I have a university degree in Electronics Engineering from the Buenos Aires National University of Technology (Universidad Tecnologica Nacional, U.T.N., FRBA) and have specialized in Automatic Control Systems, Computer Science, Electro-Biomedical, and Industrial Electronics. Besides loving travel, I’m also passionate about Physics. "A civilization that highly unbalances the reward of the body’s talent against the intellectual effort for useful creation is not an advanced civilization." Raul Fattore
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Reviews for Negative Mass and Negative Refractive Index in Atom Nuclei - Nuclear Wave Equation - Gravitational and Inertial Control
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Negative Mass and Negative Refractive Index in Atom Nuclei - Nuclear Wave Equation - Gravitational and Inertial Control - Raul Fattore
Negative Mass and Negative Refractive Index in Atom Nuclei
Nuclear Wave Equation
Gravitational and Inertial Control
Raul Fattore
April 7, 2023
The present study is divided into six parts – Index of Part-4
In This Paper
Following the analysis made in Part-3, the second external force is evaluated in this study.
The nuclear response to external forces is analyzed with the aim to observe any changes in the nuclear mass and study the behavior of the refractive index under such changes.
The analysis will be performed in the time domain as well as in the frequency domain by means of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) method. The external forces applied to the nucleus were classified into three types:
The force originated by a polarized transverse electromagnetic wave (TEM) (see Part-3)
The force originated by a polarized TEM plus a static electric field
The force originated by a signal plus a static electric field (see Part-5)
Some efforts have been made to prove negative mass behavior through some experiments performed in mechanics [1], and other disciplines [9], as well as some theories in electrostatics [2,3,4,5,6,7,8], but I haven’t found research about similar effects in atomic level, where the most elementary mass given by the atomic nucleus is to be