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Publication date: 9 April 2024

Bassel Kassem, Matteo Rossini, Stefano Frecassetti, Federica Costa and Alberto Portioli Staudacher

While Digitalisation is gaining momentum among practitioners and the scientific world, there is still a struggle to embark on the digitalisation journey successfully. The…



While Digitalisation is gaining momentum among practitioners and the scientific world, there is still a struggle to embark on the digitalisation journey successfully. The struggles are more significant for SMEs compared to large companies. Such transformation could face internal resistance, which evokes the need to put it into a socio-technical perspective such as lean. This paper investigates how SMEs could implement digital tools and technologies in their operations.


We relied on a multiple case study design in three SME manufacturing companies in Italy. Based on the experience of those companies, the struggles in the implementation and the lessons learned, we formulate an implementation model of digital tools driven by lean thinking.


Companies tend to implement first digital tools that help with real-time data collection and stress that introducing digital tools becomes challenging without reducing waste in production. The model stresses top management commitment, middle-line involvement and operator training to resist change. All these factors coincide with socio-technical lean bundles developed by seminal works. In addition, the study highlights that financial incentives are not necessarily the common barrier to digital tools implementation in SMEs but rather the cultural aspect.


Our paper enriches the extant body of knowledge by deriving knowledge around digitalisation implementation through lessons learned and corrective actions. It allows managers to benchmark and compare the current state of the implementation process with that of other companies and the one proposed to make corrective actions when necessary.


Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1741-038X


Open Access
Publication date: 1 June 2021

Matteo Rossini, Fabiana Dafne Cifone, Bassel Kassem, Federica Costa and Alberto Portioli-Staudacher

Industry 4.0 and Lean Production are a successful match in terms of performance improvement. While we understand the combined potential, there is still poor understanding of how…




Industry 4.0 and Lean Production are a successful match in terms of performance improvement. While we understand the combined potential, there is still poor understanding of how companies should embrace digital transformation to make it successful and sustainable, and the role that lean plays in it. In this paper, we investigate how manufacturing companies embark upon digital transformation and how being lean might affect it.


We conducted multiple case studies with 19 manufacturing companies. We identified two clusters of companies according to their Lean maturity, and we assessed digital transformation patterns by analyzing insights coming both from cases and from the literature. Integrating cross-case analysis results, we developed a framework that shows two different digital transformation patterns according to companies’ commitment to Lean.


Our findings first and foremost show the significant role of lean in driving digital transformation. We identify two patterns, namely Sustaining digital transformation pattern, characterized by the pervasive role of lean culture with small and horizontal digital changes, involvement of people and willingness to maintain continuous process improvement, and Disruptive digital transformation pattern, characterized by few and large digital steps that imply a disruptive and radical change in the company system.

Practical implications

Empirical evidence supports the relevance of the proposed model and its practical usefulness. It can be used to design digital transformation, prepare properly the introduction of Industry 4.0 through a lean approach, and plan the future desired state, identifying the Industry 4.0 technologies that should be implemented.


It is widely recognized that the relationship between Industry 4.0 and lean is significant and positive, yet little evidence was presented to back that. We aim at bringing this debate forward by providing initial empirical evidence of the significant role that lean has on digital transformation, showing how lean drives the digital transformation pattern of companies.


Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, vol. 32 no. 9
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1741-038X


Open Access
Publication date: 22 August 2022

Matteo Rossini, Daryl John Powell and Kaustav Kundu

Even though the integration of Lean Supply Chain Management (LSCM) and Industry 4.0 (I4.0) technologies is relatively recent, it has been receiving a lot of attention. Partly…




Even though the integration of Lean Supply Chain Management (LSCM) and Industry 4.0 (I4.0) technologies is relatively recent, it has been receiving a lot of attention. Partly because it is a recent field of practise and research and partly because the number of works developed in this field has grown rapidly, it is important to frequently update the perspectives on this field of investigation. Thus, this study aims to review the integration between LSCM and I4.0 analysing relationship at operative, tactical and strategic levels.


Systematic literature review was conducted to identify and explain the integration of LSCM and I4.0 from scientific sources that were published before March 2021.


The analysis of the literature revealed the level of integration of LSCM and I4.0 is present at different managerial levels. Moreover, when the integration is detailed at different managerial levels, it appears that LSCM paves the way for the adoption of I4.0 at a strategic level, while I4.0 technologies promise to enhance LSCM practices at the operational level.

Research limitations/implications

The main contribution of this study is the framework which shows that LSCM paves the way for the adoption of I4.0 at a strategic level, while I4.0 technologies promise to enhance LSCM practices at the operational level.


This study develops a new perspective of the articles published under the thematic of LSCM and I4.0. Additionally, it proposes a framework of analysis that can be used by future researchers. Finally, it shows the most recent implementations of LSCM and I4.0, exposing the current trends, improvements and also the main gaps.


International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, vol. 14 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2040-4166


Publication date: 8 February 2024

Bassel Kassem, Maira Callupe, Monica Rossi, Matteo Rossini and Alberto Portioli-Staudacher

Prior to managing a company’s processes in the presence of a combination of paradigms, there is a need to understand their underlying interaction. This paper systematically…



Prior to managing a company’s processes in the presence of a combination of paradigms, there is a need to understand their underlying interaction. This paper systematically reviews the existing literature that discusses the interaction between lean production (LP) and the fourth industrial revolution (i.e. Industry 4.0). The study aims to understand how the interaction unfolds and whether it is synergistic.


The research relies on a systematic literature review of peer-reviewed articles from Scopus and Web of Science that discuss the interaction between the two paradigms. The final set of articles pertaining to the topic was analysed.


The article presents that the interaction between the two paradigms occurs through a representation of the pillars of the House of Lean (HoL) interacting with the nine technological pillars of Industry 4.0. There is a consensus on the synergistic nexus among the pillars and their positive impact on operational performance. We also demonstrate the weights of the interactions between the two paradigms and the areas of operations management where this interaction takes place through Sankey charts. Our research indicates that the largest synergistic interaction occurs between just-in-time and industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and that companies should invest in IoT and cyber-physical systems as they have the greatest weight of interactions with the pillars of the HoL.

Research limitations/implications

This research facilitates a deeper insight into the interaction between LP and Industry 4.0 by organising and discussing existing research on the subject matter. It serves as a starting point for future researchers to formulate hypotheses about the interaction among the various pillars of LP and Industry 4.0, apply these interactions and test them through empirical research.

Practical implications

It could serve as a guide for managers to understand with which interactions they should start the digitalisation process.


With the rise in discussions on the interaction between the two paradigms, there is still an opportunity to understand the specificity of this interaction. Compared to the initial seminal works on the subject, such as Buer et al. (2018b), which investigated the direction of interaction between the two paradigms, this research contributes to further investigating this specificity and gaining a better understanding of the relationship governing the interaction between LP and Industry 4.0 by delineating the interaction state among the pillars of the two paradigms and its relevant importance.


Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, vol. 35 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1741-038X


Publication date: 12 February 2021

Marco Torri, Kaustav Kundu, Stefano Frecassetti and Matteo Rossini

In spite of huge advancement of Lean in the manufacturing sector, its advantage in the service sector is not fully investigated. The purpose of this paper is to cover this gap in…



In spite of huge advancement of Lean in the manufacturing sector, its advantage in the service sector is not fully investigated. The purpose of this paper is to cover this gap in particular for the information technology (IT) sector through the implementation of the Lean philosophy in a small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME), operating in the IT sector.


A case study is conducted and following the A3 model, Lean is deployed in the case company. Data were collected through on-site interviews, waste sources were identified and then countermeasures for their reduction were proposed and adopted.


This study reveals that the implementation of the Lean practices in an SME operating in the IT sector offers good operative and financial results, thanks to the higher productivity obtained through the reduction of non-value-added activities.

Research limitations/implications

This paper reports a single case study, not enough to generalize the results. Moreover, more Lean tools and practices should be tested in IT companies to assess their effectiveness.

Practical implications

This paper increments the knowledge base for the application of Lean and A3 model outside the manufacturing industry. This paper should assist practitioners and consultants who have the desire to understand a better way of Lean implementation in fast-growing IT industry and in SME.


Research on Lean implementation in an SME company and in IT sector is scarce. This study aims to assess the efficiency of the adoption of Lean practices following the A3 model. The results could be highly valuable for similar companies (dimension or sector), especially those that are facing transition situations in terms of size and at the same time want to improve their operations performance, efficiency and avoid waste.


International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, vol. 12 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2040-4166


Publication date: 4 September 2023

Bassel Kassem, Matteo Rossini, Federica Costa and Alberto Portioli-Staudacher

This study aims to study the implementation of lean thinking at the strategic level of an Italian manufacturing company. Companies implementing continuous improvement (CI…



This study aims to study the implementation of lean thinking at the strategic level of an Italian manufacturing company. Companies implementing continuous improvement (CI) projects in their production processes often take the monitoring phase for granted. This research deploys an A3 lean thinking project in the monitoring phase of strategic KPIs upon completion of several ongoing improvement projects.


The research methodology is action research aiming at disseminating the problems that the company is facing. The study relies on the lean action plan developed by Womack and Jones (2003): Planning for lean and Lean action. Lean planning consists of the following steps: find a change agent; get the knowledge; find a lever. Lean action uses the A3 lean approach.


The company reached high-performance improvements due to the proposed lean action plan.

Research limitations/implications

This study contributes by presenting a lean action plan in the monitoring phase, highlighting the importance of the lean thinking-monitoring continuum in reducing time waste for faster diagnosis and using action research to analyze and instill reflective learning.


The research relies on the A3 methodology to showcase the benefits that a mature paradigm, often coined to production, still has unexplored potentials.


International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, vol. 14 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2040-4166


Publication date: 6 October 2020

Kaustav Kundu, Fabiana Cifone, Federica Costa, Alberto Portioli-Staudacher and Matteo Rossini

The purpose of this paper is to provide the description of an original framework for maintenance management plan development. The research aims to use in an integrated way…



The purpose of this paper is to provide the description of an original framework for maintenance management plan development. The research aims to use in an integrated way different World Class Manufacturing (WCM)-based tools, in order to obtain a model which can be used for preventive maintenance in different industrial contexts.


In this research, a conceptual framework of preventive maintenance was described and then it was evaluated through a qualitative study in an Italian company. The company was chosen based on an initial interview with the operations team and the model area was selected. Then, the location was reorganized in order to obtain a green field which could sustain the implementation of the framework tools.


The case study was carried out in a small-medium manufacturing company which produces quick-release couplings and multiconnections, ranging from medium to ultra-high pressure. The defined framework has proved to be easy to implement in a company with a corrective maintenance plan, allowing the maintenance department to embrace the preventive maintenance culture. The maintenance model has been well received from the employees.

Practical implications

The framework allows a standardization of maintenance plans. Firstly, the standardization design itself allows finding previous wastes and consequent improvement areas. Then, it brings the improvement of a single machine which impacts all other machines in its family.


The added value of this study is the ability to integrate different WCM-based tools. Since the framework depicts a step-by-step process; it is also a starting point for companies that want to approach preventive maintenance for the first time.


Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, vol. 28 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1355-2511


Publication date: 31 May 2022

Kaustav Kundu and Matteo Rossini

The purpose of this paper is to develop a simulation model to evaluate inventory and distribution decisions like lateral transshipments in a network with multiple products.



The purpose of this paper is to develop a simulation model to evaluate inventory and distribution decisions like lateral transshipments in a network with multiple products.


Data are collected from a company, and a discrete-event simulation in Python is developed to support the decision-making process of managers through different algorithms of lateral transshipments.


The numerical results show that the periodic delivery-continuous reorder policy is more robust than the others because the reorder process is not affected by the higher saturation that is achieved by periodic reorder–based policies. The new lateral transshipment algorithm will lead to huge savings in logistics costs for any company and increase truck saturation without causing a decrease in the service level.

Research limitations/implications

This paper provides a novel institutional perspective on a complex logistics issue where COVD-19 is believed to complicate the context.

Practical implications

This solution is devised for any company to achieve even greater benefits in terms of customer service improvement and logistics costs reduction.


The main contribution of this paper is the proposal of a new lateral transshipment algorithm that shows performance improvement by simulating distribution network processes according to different configurations.

Publication date: 8 March 2022

Kaustav Kundu, Matteo Rossini and Federica Costa

Due to high customization, companies, which used to follow the make-to-stock (MTS) strategy, are now adopting the make-to-order (MTO) strategy along with MTS in order to cope…



Due to high customization, companies, which used to follow the make-to-stock (MTS) strategy, are now adopting the make-to-order (MTO) strategy along with MTS in order to cope with high variability in customer demand. Although lean is quite popular in general, its advantage in MTO-MTS environment is quite rare. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to show the benefits of lean techniques in this environment.


A popular furniture company in Italy is selected for the longitudinal action research and as a part of the lean project, workload control (WLC) is deployed in the selected company. Data were collected through on-site interviews, potential areas of improvement were identified and then suitable countermeasures were proposed and adopted.


This study reveals that the implementation of lean techniques including WLC in a furniture company reduces the throughput time and improves the inventory turnover.

Research limitations/implications

This research is based on a single company. Additional empirical studies can help to refine our proposition.

Practical implications

The paper shows the practical implementation of WLC as a part of the lean project in MTO-MTS environment. It provides the practitioners and consultants with the way of implementing lean techniques in companies that are planning to adopt MTO-MTS hybrid strategy.


This is the first paper that aims to assess the efficiency of the adaption of WLC based on lean principles in a company using MTO-MTS hybrid strategy. Hence, the results are highly valuable for similar companies, especially when are facing transition situations (e.g. from MTS to MTO-MTS).


Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, vol. 33 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1741-038X


Publication date: 18 April 2019

Gabriela Aline Borges, Guilherme Tortorella, Matteo Rossini and Alberto Portioli-Staudacher

The purpose of this paper is to identify the lean production (LP) practices applied in healthcare supply chain and the existing barriers related to their implementation.




The purpose of this paper is to identify the lean production (LP) practices applied in healthcare supply chain and the existing barriers related to their implementation.


To achieve that, a scoping review was carried out in order to consolidate the main practices and barriers, and also to evidence research gaps and directions according to different theoretical lenses.


The findings show that there is a consensus on the potential of LP practices implementation in healthcare supply chain, but most studies still report such implementation restricted to specific unit or value stream within a hospital.


Healthcare organizations are under constant pressure to reduce costs and wastes, while improving services and patient safety. Further, its supply chain usually presents great opportunities for improvement, both in terms of cost reduction and quality of care increase. In this sense, the adaptation of LP practices and principles has been widely accepted in healthcare. However, studies show that most implementations fall far short from their goals because they are done in a fragmented way, and not from a system-wide perspective.


Journal of Health Organization and Management, vol. 33 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1477-7266


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