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Publication date: 16 July 2024

Xueyuan Wang and Jiasai Huang

This paper deconstructs the boundary-spanning technology innovation (BSTI) of manufacturing enterprises based on dual-meta and dual-degree perspective. We aim to explore the…



This paper deconstructs the boundary-spanning technology innovation (BSTI) of manufacturing enterprises based on dual-meta and dual-degree perspective. We aim to explore the impact of differentiated internal reconfigurations on networking capabilities and, thus, different BSTIs and then reveal the optimal transformation paths of different BSTIs.


We use fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) to conduct an empirical study on 128 manufacturing enterprises in China to reveal the heterogeneous combinatorial path of internal reconfigurations on BSTI through the networking capability, and the case analysis in specific technology fields of Haier, Gree, Midea and TBEA is used to verify our results. The transfer entropy (TE) method is used to reveal the best transformation paths of different BSTIs.


The results show that the manufacturing enterprises follow the “I,” “T,” “⊥” and “|” reconfiguration logic to effectively realize multiple boundaries breakthrough (MBB), tick boundaries breakthrough (TBB), multiple boundaries reproducing (MBR) and tick boundaries reproducing (TBR) BSTI, respectively. The BSTI has two adjacent transformations named “dual-meta transformations” and “dual-degree transformations.” Nonadjacent transformations follow the “clockwise” transformation law. In “quality transformation,” “degree” transforms first and then “meta” follows, while in “feature transformation,” “meta” transforms first and then degree follows.


Firstly, the scientific classification of BSTI is carried out to guide enterprises to carry out accurate BSTI. Secondly, the “internal reconfiguration-networking capability-BSTI” paths of manufacturing enterprises are explored. Finally, the different laws of different BSTIs’ transformations are revealed.


Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1741-038X


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