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Where the Selenga River meets the Lake Baikal (Credit: Galina Shinkareva, distributed via

ESSI Earth and Space Science Informatics Division on Earth and Space Science Informatics

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European Geosciences Union

Division on Earth and Space Science Informatics

Division on Earth and Space Science Informatics

President: Jens Klump (Email[email protected])
Deputy President: Kaylin Bugbee (Email)
ECS Representative: Alba Brobia Ansoleaga (Email[email protected])

As far as informatics and information technology are concerned, the ESSI Division deals with community-driven and multidisciplinary challenges and solutions. This include topics like: data model and metadata standardisation, spatial data infrastructure interoperability, semantics services, quality and uncertainty information encoding and propagation, geospatial data processing, environmental model accessibility, big data management, and data visualisation for scientific discovery.

Recent awardees

François Robida

François Robida

  • 2024
  • Ian McHarg Medal

The 2024 Ian McHarg Medal is awarded to François Robida for his outstanding work in establishing internationally standardised geoinformation technologies and services, which enable global geoscience data sharing and underpin modern data-intensive research.

Anirudh Prabhu

Anirudh Prabhu

  • 2024
  • Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award

The 2024 Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award is awarded to Anirudh Prabhu for his outstanding contributions to the fields of Earth and planetary informatics, data science, astrobiology, and geosciences at large.

Maximilian Söchting

Maximilian Söchting

  • 2023
  • Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award

The 2023 Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award is awarded to Maximilian Söchting Lexcube: An Interactive Earth Science Data Cube Visualization

Current issue of the EGU newsletter

In our June Issue, we learn about exciting new research by EGU Ocean Sciences Division Outstanding ECS Award winner Alessandro Silvano, discover ways for you to handle tokenism in speaking invitations, meet EGU's new President, Peter van der Beek and take a look back at a webinar from 2021 on Ocean Conservation with Rebecca Helm.

Although we are slowing down during the summer season, don't miss out on your chance to join our friendly Outreach Committee, get started on your EGU25 session proposal, meet up with exciting people working at the science-policy interface at this month's Science Policy Hangout, and more, all in this month’s issue of ‘The Loupe’!